Survey: 14-16 yr old girls?


May 13, 2008
If you are a 14, 15 or 16 year old girl answer yes or no to if you drink alcohol or not. :)
Yes, but barely ever, and never more than 1 drink. My mom is ok with it though, she will let me have coolers and things if Im staying home and I never drink anything more than 7% alcohal, so nothing like vodka or tequila.
Very rarely, possibly on christmas or at a special occasion I might have a little champagne but generally not unless there's an occasion or if Im having a girls night with the friends..
Fuck yes. :)
I'm allowed though and I do it somewhat responsibly where my parents know where I am and I have a safe way home or where ever im staying. be safe!! have FUN :D
16 -yes. But I don't binge drink at parties or anything. Maybe ONE cruiser on a friday night or a glass of wine on a special occasion. :)
I'm almost 18 buttt, yes, I do. I love being drunk, and once I drink I continue for a while, so I try to avoid it. I'm not the type of person that can just have a drink and be done.. >:[
15 - Yeah, sometimes. I am not a big drinker but I go to the occasional party and drink a bit there. I don't get wasted or anything though, buzzed or a little drunk if I know I can get home safely. I drink a lot with family too, but mostly wine and usually a lot of it. French people haha.
14- never even touched I am an extreme athlete and it's bad for your body and it slows you down not worth it :p
I'm 15 and I do drink ocasionally. sometimes with my best friends and other times my mum lets me drink wine.
I've had one small sip of wine before with my parents consent, but that's it. I would never drink a lot, even if I was 21 or older.
Im not 16 anymore but I was October 2010. Im turning 18 in November.

I dont drink, because I follow the teachings of buddha.

But even if I wasnt I dont think i would because my dads an alcoholic. Why would i drink something that has cuased my family so much pain?