Survey: Fun Four Everyone Who Is Bored?


New member
Jul 4, 2009
1. Mind, Spirit, Power, or Body?
2. Smoker or Non Smoker?
3. Swear or No Swear?
4. Do you have a Fear of Spiders?
5. Would you rather be Deaf or Blind?
6. Do you like the movie Titanic?
7. Are you a Sensitive Person?
( Do you cry a lot? )
8. Do you Believe in Ghosts?
9. Do you Believe in Life after Death?
10. Do you like doing the dishes?
11. If you could be any animal for the day what would you be? and why?
12. Have you ever dated outside of your Race?
13. Looks or Personality?
14. Slow, Gentle, or Rough?
15. If I blind folded you, would you trust me?
16. Guys - If I accidentally grabbed your hand instead of my boyfriends what would you do?
Girls - If I accidentally grabbed your hand instead of my girlfriends what would you do?
~ Both took place at a Park ~
17. Yours, Mine, or Ours?
18. If 9 guys had a cabin near me. All shared it 2 with no girls around every other weekend does that mean their gay or just having a guys time out on the lake. These are all college guys 2. When I am around them they never talk about girls,but they talk to me. Well only 2 of them. The rest don't.
19. Do you want to pull an all niter with me sometime over the phone?
~ Only reason why I asked I'm home alone for a week, and I like staying up all the time in the summertime.
20. Where are you from?
21. Birthday + Age
non smoker
a butterfly, its free
grab it back
guys night out or they could be gay, hard to say
no, cause i have to get up early
upstate ny
january 15 + 43
1 mind
2 non-smoker i have asthma
3 i try not to around my kid but i do have a potty mouth
4 no but i can't stand them
5 Deaf
6 it was O.K. not what i would want to watch more then maybe 2 times it took too long.
7 sometimes .
8 Yes i think that any thing is possible .
9 Yes
10 no but i don't have a dish washer so i have too part of life .
11 I would love to be a Bird so that i could take off to fly some whair any time i want because i love flying .
12 yes .
13 personality before looks .
14 slow
15 not if i don't know you .
16 i think i'd pull away and ask you if your nuts .
17 Ours
18 don't know what to make of that .
19 no, sorry i'm not a stay up all night kind of woman i have a day job and a kid .
20 i'm from Texas but raised in Utah .
21 as for my age i'm 50 something .
I'll do it, and if you people don't wanna answer the question you need to just move along...

1. Mind, Spirit, Power, or Body? SPIRIT
2. Smoker or Non Smoker? NON (6/1/8)
3. Swear or No Swear? LIKE A TRUCK DRIVER, HEHE.
4. Do you have a Fear of Spiders? NO
5. Would you rather be Deaf or Blind? DEAF
6. Do you like the movie Titanic? NO
7. Are you a Sensitive Person? KINDA
( Do you cry a lot? ) ABOUT SOME THINGS
8. Do you Believe in Ghosts? YES
9. Do you Believe in Life after Death? YES
10. Do you like doing the dishes? HELLZ NO
11. If you could be any animal for the day what would you be? and why? DOG IT'S A DOG'S LIFE
12. Have you ever dated outside of your Race? NO
13. Looks or Personality? PERSONALITY
14. Slow, Gentle, or Rough? YES, PLEASE
15. If I blind folded you, would you trust me? NO I DON'T KNOW YOU
16. Guys - If I accidentally grabbed your hand instead of my boyfriends what would you do? --
Girls - If I accidentally grabbed your hand instead of my girlfriends what would you do? SMACK YOU SILLY
~ Both took place at a Park ~
17. Yours, Mine, or Ours? OURS
18. If 9 guys had a cabin near me. All shared it 2 with no girls around every other weekend does that mean their gay or just having a guys time out on the lake. These are all college guys 2. When I am around them they never talk about girls,but they talk to me. Well only 2 of them. The rest don't. NAH THEY AREN'T
19. Do you want to pull an all niter with me sometime over the phone? NOWAY
~ Only reason why I asked I'm home alone for a week, and I like staying up all the time in the summertime.
20. Where are you from? NE
21. Birthday + AgeNN12/9/54 MY AGE INCIDENTLY.
1. Mind, Spirit, Power, or Body? spirit.
2. Smoker or Non Smoker? non smoker.
3. Swear or No Swear? no swear.
4. Do you have a Fear of Spiders? at times. D:
5. Would you rather be Deaf or Blind? god forbid.
6. Do you like the movie Titanic? that's my favorite. :)
7. Are you a Sensitive Person? i can be.
( Do you cry a lot? )
8. Do you Believe in Ghosts? yes.
9. Do you Believe in Life after Death? yes.
10. Do you like doing the dishes? yes, i love soap bubbles.:) haha
11. If you could be any animal for the day what would you be? and why? a dolphin.
12. Have you ever dated outside of your Race? yes.
13. Looks or Personality? personality.
14. Slow, Gentle, or Rough? gentle.
15. If I blind folded you, would you trust me? don't know you.
16. Guys - If I accidentally grabbed your hand instead of my boyfriends what would you do?
Girls - If I accidentally grabbed your hand instead of my girlfriends what would you do? i'd be offended.
~ Both took place at a Park ~
17. Yours, Mine, or Ours? ours.
18. If 9 guys had a cabin near me. All shared it 2 with no girls around every other weekend does that mean their gay or just having a guys time out on the lake. These are all college guys 2. When I am around them they never talk about girls,but they talk to me. Well only 2 of them. The rest don't. huh?
19. Do you want to pull an all niter with me sometime over the phone?
~ Only reason why I asked I'm home alone for a week, and I like staying up all the time in the summertime. okay?
20. Where are you from? the US
21. Birthday + Age personal.