Survey question for all girls within the ages of 13 to 19,.?


May 14, 2008
1 Would you prefer to have your room painted pink or white?

2 Do you prefer wearing red or pink shoes?

3 If you were to receive roses, would the traditional red ones suit you, or would you prefer pink?

4 On a date, would you prefer to wear pink or black?

5 If you were to dye your hair color, would you prefer pink or blue?

6 If you were obligated to choose one color which you would never see again, and your choice was narrowed down to pink or yellow, which would it be?

7 If you had to choose a color for your car, would it be pink or

8 If the asphalt roads were to be painted in one solid color for your own convenience, would you prefer pink or blue?

9 Would you prefer to own a pink or purple ipod?

10 If you were to turn sick, and one of the repercussions of this rare ailment was a temporary change in the color of your face, would you prefer it to change red or pink?

I hope you dont find this to be aimless, and I thankyou for investing your valuable time in participating :)
1) Hmm, pink so there's at least a color. But honestly - pink is not a good choice. Hardly anything matches! But white isn't any good either, it's so blah.

2) Red, they are more *hot*

3) would just seem silly

4) But that's just because I hate black on me.

5) Pink!

6) Pink...yellow is prettier

7) Orange

8) blue

9) purple!!

10) pink, it would be less noticeable.
1 Would you prefer to have your room painted pink or white?

2 Do you prefer wearing red or pink shoes?

3 If you were to receive roses, would the traditional red ones suit you, or would you prefer pink?
a mix of both :)

4 On a date, would you prefer to wear pink or black?

5 If you were to dye your hair color, would you prefer pink or blue?

6 If you were obligated to choose one color which you would never see again, and your choice was narrowed down to pink or yellow, which would it be?
hmm...thats tough...i cant decide

7 If you had to choose a color for your car, would it be pink or
pink range rover :)

8 If the asphalt roads were to be painted in one solid color for your own convenience, would you prefer pink or blue?

9 Would you prefer to own a pink or purple ipod?

10 If you were to turn sick, and one of the repercussions of this rare ailment was a temporary change in the color of your face, would you prefer it to change red or pink?
1 white
2 red
3 red
4 black
5 its been both colors its now blue
6 yellow
7 pink
8 blue
9 purple
10 pink
1) I would want my room green but out of those two, pink.

2)Red flats or heels are adorable on almost anyone.

3)I love yellow roses, but again out of those two choices red would be good with me.

4)Pink for sure, black is funeral like.

5) Blue over pink

6)After all these questions it would be pink haha jk it's not from the questions I just like yellow better.

7)I would chose pink, not a big fan of orange.

8) I would chose sky blue, that would be awesome!

9) I love my green iPod but out of the two pink, everyone I know has purple.

10)Well I blush all the time so I'm used to a bright red face!
1- neither, but if i had to pick pink
2- red
3- red
4- black
5- pink streaks but i would not dye my whole head
6- pink
7- hot pink, like a barbie car :)
8- blue
9- purple
10- red
1. i have a light pink room but im 18 & i have grown out of it now.
but white is too boring, maybe do cream & a feature wall!

2. i would prefer wearing red shoes just because pink is weird. even though my car is pink, you get over it trust me!!

3. red traditional roses are the best!

4. lol i would prefer to wear black for sure, i own no pink clothes

5. IF i were to ever do it i would prob do it ummmm blue/black lol a tint you can get!

6. i choose it to be yellow because pink makes baby's look like a girl LOL

7. hahahah my car is hot pink!!! =$ you will hate the attention!!

8.i prefer pink because i think blue is for boys

9. i own a pink ipod, i wouldnt mind if i had purple

10. i would rather my fake turn red, might look like i just blood pressure problems

my room & car is pink but i am totally over the colour now !!
1. white
2. neither
3. red is fine
5. pink
6. yellow
7. pink :]
8. pink
9. i own a pink one lol :]
10. pink
1 Would you prefer to have your room painted pink or white?

2 Do you prefer wearing red or pink shoes?

3 If you were to receive roses, would the traditional red ones suit you, or would you prefer pink?

4 On a date, would you prefer to wear pink or black?

5 If you were to dye your hair color, would you prefer pink or blue?

6 If you were obligated to choose one color which you would never see again, and your choice was narrowed down to pink or yellow, which would it be?

7 If you had to choose a color for your car, would it be pink or

8 If the asphalt roads were to be painted in one solid color for your own convenience, would you prefer pink or blue?

9 Would you prefer to own a pink or purple ipod?

10 If you were to turn sick, and one of the repercussions of this rare ailment was a temporary change in the color of your face, would you prefer it to change red or pink?
1 Would you prefer to have your room painted pink or white?
- Oh, white. I love clean white walls.

2 Do you prefer wearing red or pink shoes?
- That depends on the style. Deep, bright red, though, I suppose.

3 If you were to receive roses, would the traditional red ones suit you, or would you prefer pink?
- Red. S'more romantic.

4 On a date, would you prefer to wear pink or black?
- On a date with whom? What style am I trying to pull off? I mean, it varies by situation. However, as I have exponentially more black clothing than pink (I like monochrome themes, so sue me), I'd probably go with that.

5 If you were to dye your hair color, would you prefer pink or blue?
- I was insulted more often when I had blue hair than when I had pink. Much more often. I'd go with pink anyway, my hair is currently a shade of magenta-touched auburn.

6 If you were obligated to choose one color which you would never see again, and your choice was narrowed down to pink or yellow, which would it be?
- ..Pink. I dislike butter yellow, but solid yellow can be so cheery.

7 If you had to choose a color for your car, would it be pink or
- Traffic cone orange.

8 If the asphalt roads were to be painted in one solid color for your own convenience, would you prefer pink or blue?
- What shade? I mean, I'd take a muted shade of either over a bright shade of the other. Probably.. a dusky, pale, grayish blue.

9 Would you prefer to own a pink or purple ipod?
- If I had an iPod, hell if I'd care about color. Hot pink, though. My $20 MP3 player is a semi-unattractive shade of pink right now.

10 If you were to turn sick, and one of the repercussions of this rare ailment was a temporary change in the color of your face, would you prefer it to change red or pink?
- Pink is considerably closer to my natural skin color than red is. I'd certainly choose pink as it would be easier to conceal with makeup.
1 Would you prefer to have your room painted pink or white?
Between those things I would choose pink

2 Do you prefer wearing red or pink shoes?
red shoes

3 If you were to receive roses, would the traditional red ones suit you, or would you prefer pink?
red ones mixed with orange and white would be beautiful

4 On a date, would you prefer to wear pink or black?
5 If you were to dye your hair color, would you prefer pink or blue?
6 If you were obligated to choose one color which you would never see again, and your choice was narrowed down to pink or yellow, which would it be?
7 If you had to choose a color for your car, would it be pink or

8 If the asphalt roads were to be painted in one solid color for your own convenience, would you prefer pink or blue?

9 Would you prefer to own a pink or purple ipod?

10 If you were to turn sick, and one of the repercussions of this rare ailment was a temporary change in the color of your face, would you prefer it to change red or pink?
1: white
2: pink
3: red
4: a mixture of both!
5: ummm...I guess pink.
6: Pink!
7: Orange
8: Blue
9: Pink
10: pink

:))) Alot of questions about the color pink!
1. pink

2. pink

3. either. roses are cute regardless of their color

4. pink

5. pink

6. yellow

7. orange

8. pink

9. purple

10. pink
1. room painted pink
2. red shoes
3. red roses
4. black on a date
5. pink hair. i guess.?
6. never see pink again
7. it depends on the car.
8. wow. um. blue roads.
9. pink ipod.
10. red face due to illness :]
3.nethier, the yellowy-orange ones that seem to fade color
1. Pink. It is alreadyy.
2. Depends on what the shoe looks like.
3. Traditional.
4. Well, it depends again. if it's one of those small black dresses, sure. But if it's like "goth" looking, no.
5. yellow.
6. pink.
7. orange.
8. blue.
9. purple.
10. pink.