Survey-The worst thing to tell a woman?

that she is the meanest person you know ... i think
cuz if someone who was a total hurtbag said that to me i wouldn't care
but if someone nice said it ooo that hurts

so it all depends on how she feels about you actually hahaha
Husband: Wow, your pregnant? Well, I can not wait until the baby comes!
Wife: I'm not pregnant!
Husband: Your not? Then is it the pills that you're taking?
Wife: What? No!

It's hilarious, but to women in general who are not pregnant, "are you expecting?"
'You gained weight lately?'

If you want us to hate you/have an emotional break down ask us this question
The worst thing to TELL a woman is the truth in a situation where you know the truth will kill her.

The worst thing to SAY to a woman is "Can I talk to you?"
They automatically assume that they're doing something wrong or that you don't love them or you're going to break up with them or tell them that you're cheating or something. Your mind starts racing and you can't concentrate and you start thinking of worst possible scenarios.

^We're sorta kinda prone to panic attacks. :0
-how much you weigh
-are you eating
-is that a zit
-do you brush your teeth,what is that smell
-do you get your hair done
-do you shave your pussy
-are you a hoe
-hi bicth
-you stink
-are you pregnant
that is just a few