Survey: What type of work do you do? Are you Conservative or Liberal or ?

Jun 16, 2010
1) I have never worked.
2) I am laid off from my private sector job.
3) I am laid off from my government job.
4) I work in the private sector for a small business.
5)I work in the private sector for a Corporation.
6) I own my own business.
7)I work for the government.


5 - Conservative
5, 6 & sort of 7.

I'm a government contractor.

I'm a neo-isolationist in favor of free enterprise, a position of armed neutrality and a robust defense department.

Socially I land on the right of center more often than left.

Got it?
I am a Conservative-Libertarian, and I am completely fed up with both parties.

I never could stand the Democrats, but the Republicans are now equally as disgusting to me.

I worked in construction mainly, but did computer work and design websites on the side.

I am not collecting unemployment, and I have not had much luck looking for work where I live.
I work in the private sector for a small business


6) I own my own business.

A center leftist social democrat.
6 for 12 years


#5 - conservatives

Will probably go back to #6 at some point, I'm considering starting up a brewpub or micro distillery