Survey: What would you do in these situations?


May 12, 2008
1) You accidentally trip an elderly man in the middle of the road, you....
2) You run directly into a pole which leaves a massive red mark on your forehead, you...
3) The strange kid asks you out on a date, you...
4) A murder tells you you won't get hurt if you don't reveal his secrets, you...
5) A boss/teacher makes a derogatory comment about your race/orientation/gender, you...
6) A little kid runs up to you and squirts a packet of ketchup all over your jeans, you...
7) You step barefoot on a cockroach, you...
8) You hear your infatuation say they think you are butt ugly, you...
9) A middle-aged woman walks past you and grabs your goodies, you...
10) Your mom gives you a d!ldo for your birthday, you...