Survivor Survey???!???????


May 24, 2008
Who is your favorite survivor of all time?
Mine is James Clement from China, Fans vs Favorites, and Heros vs Villians. I really like him because I think he was a hard worker... and mad funny!!

Who do you think is the dumbest survivor ever?
It could go to many, many people but I think it is Erik from Fans vs Favorites, when he gave his individual immunity necklace to Natalie... of course being part of the plan:)

Who do you think is the smartest survivor if all time?
I'd say Yul from Cook Islands. He played really smart being the "godfather" and I think he deserved to win even though I liked Ozzy too! I also think that Yul, Sundra, Ozzy, and Becky's alliance was the best ever!

Who do you think was the all time villain?
I'd probably say Jonathan Penner from FvF. When him an Candice swithed tribes.. well that was pretty hilarious! I think Russell comes in a close second though!

I am really just wondering! Thanks!!:) xxx