Switching my phone from verizon Env3 to the verizon palm pixi plus?


New member
Jul 28, 2008
I have the env3 and I want to get the palm pixi plus and I am wanting the buy the phone not through Verizon but off another website like eBay or amazon but my question is when I get the phone and I switch my phone online through the Verizon website to the palm do I have to pay more money for it? Like for the internet? For the env 3 I had to pay ten dollars more a month but if i get the palm can't I just use Wifi and that should be free right? I just wont use the 3g. So i shouldn't get charged more for it?

Thanks for the help!!
It's still more money. You can't just not use the 3G. This makes about zero sense.

And that phone sucks by the way. My friend was had 4 of them in less than six months. And she isn't rough on them at all. Read the reviews.