Symbian vs Android OS?

Symbian is number ONE of the consumer market share, they have most of the market share.

2. Android
3. Apple IOS

Personally, I would go with android, symbian is mostly used overseas and not in the USA as much. Plus the symbian operating system has a weird interface, and it looks boring.

(keep in mind this is my opinion)

Android to me is better then symbian.
Symbian is number ONE of the consumer market share, they have most of the market share.

2. Android
3. Apple IOS

Personally, I would go with android, symbian is mostly used overseas and not in the USA as much. Plus the symbian operating system has a weird interface, and it looks boring.

(keep in mind this is my opinion)

Android to me is better then symbian.
Symbian duh...
it works a whole 50% of the time, and can barely make a phone call! Oh and plus, it has tons of Apps! (I am barely able to count above 5)
Symbian is number ONE of the consumer market share, they have most of the market share.

2. Android
3. Apple IOS

Personally, I would go with android, symbian is mostly used overseas and not in the USA as much. Plus the symbian operating system has a weird interface, and it looks boring.

(keep in mind this is my opinion)

Android to me is better then symbian.