Syria-Possible Sarin use

I would of thought they'd vote no. The American public doesn't want it abd the opposition gets to help embarass Obama
The Republican party are hawkish by nature.

Obama wins either way, if they vote no, he can say 'Hey, Congress didn't approve'. If they vote yes, he can say 'Bipartisanship!'
Indeed. But given the licences were suspended 6 months later. It would seem they should never have been granted in the first place.
Russia will block the UN from doing anything, no one in the west will intervene even though Obama drew a line in the sand regarding chemical weapons. Nothing is going to change and Assad will stay in power unless Al Queida begins backing the rebels.
Al Qaeda are already backing the rebels. They helped one of the rebel groups get up and running. There are about 6 or so major groups. None of them like each other. They all have different ambitions for Syria.
Well its a shame they can't all get on the same page and fight a common enemy instead of arguing with each other and getting nothing done. The only winner is Assad. Isn't his wife from Britain originally?
Some interesting articles I came across today:

Seems we can't trust any source these days, but thats nothing new really...
There was a thing on cracked about how the media manipulates images. One was a prisoner under guard being given water from a canteen. Looked fine normally. Then you could crop it either side to make it either look like a caring soldier was giving him water, or an evil one was pointing a rifle at a kneeling prisoner.
Reuters got caught cropping out knives from pictures of "peace activists" during the Gaza flotilla incident. It's not the only time this has happened, but it's one serious example.

Warning: somewhat graphic images follow.
makes sense

sounds like a sarcasm but just in case its not -

Because that worked so well in iraq and afghanistan :eyeroll:

They have ties to al quaida and those fundies yes

Murrica. Its been like that since - the original cold war! It still thinks it cant function without having "enemies" if there isnt one they'll make one somehow, goddammit!

Obama risks looking like another bush if he does this now, seeing as how there isnt any real proof it was Assad. I will call him Bush if he does this. And say they go in kick out assad and replace him with - the rebels who have ties to al quida. Oh yeah, nice decision. The ones who killed 3,000 people in the first place.

But that also sounds like Murrica. In the first cold war they would side with evil dictators and they didnt even care, so long as it stopped "eeeebil Commies"

They disgust me.
Here's an interesting take on the middle east. is still in chaos.
Iraq is still in chaos. Although the death toll for August of 804 is an improvement on July's 1057. Mission accomplished!
Egypt is so paranoid birds are being arrested.
Bahrain is still suppressing popular uprising. Which the British ambassador seems to support. And we won't mention the American fifth fleet being based there or the historical British trade links.
Israel and Palestine have agreed to have talks about having talks.
Yeah but it was a stork. Next thing you know, there's babies everywhere.
Good thing they caught it before it caused a baby boom.
What I've learnt from this is there is indeed a price on life. I work with typical working clqss folks and today they were talking about Cameron saying about UK aid but how the UKs a mess and we've got enough problems here. I liked that not being able to afford a new iphone or having slightly raised train prices is equivalent to having your house blown up.