Systemx29 is back in action, *****es. Heres a new hospital and army base for yaaa.


Mar 22, 2008
Those of you that remember my old threads and followed them surely remember i had a few rules. For those of you that are loyal followers, it would be helpful if you guys could answer stupid questions like "can i play in there" since you already know the answers.

My rules are:
No asking where it is, if i wanted to tell you, i would. If your smart enough to do research, use your discretion in posting your findings.

No, you can't play here, don't ask.

Don't pm me asking me to tell you about places near you. Go online and find out for yourself.

Please dont come in here and say shit like "I do this too, me and my friends got scared by a ghost for sure though." I don't care. No-one else cares either.

I've never seen a ghost and no...i dont believe in them.

Yes, i've been chased by the police, hidden from the police, caught by the police. No, i've never been arrested(knock on wood).

So this place is absolutely giant. Built in 1885(i think?), it sits close to a quarter mile long,i believe. Recently, the main building caught fire and the male wing burned partially. Someone i know got busted there on burglary and breaking and entering charges about 2 years ago. I know you guys like storys, so heres one for you.

One night we went to mess around. As we were leaving the building, we saw headlights coming. We peaced and i fell as i was running and took a huge chunk out of my knee. I bled everywhere.

haha, here are some pics. Expect another thread about powerplants in a few minutes.








And now for the army base.

This place has lots of crazy rumors. Supposedly, they made a battleship dissapear, made mutants, all stuff like that. What is weird though is this: every day a big military plane circles the old base, 4 times a day. It also has an electricity meter that measures in some super high, military measurment and it still runs. Its also just all around weird. I dont know much about it so i could be wrong about some stuff. Anyways, here are the pics:




You should buy a video camera and start a youtube profile with this shits you could become popular and start a site then get donations and ad revune $$$