Taylor Momsen

I think Blair and Vanessa are better looking- Jenny looked better with long hair sans the grunge.
Well your a guy and it's natural for guys to have imaginations that are beyond believable, especially about women that we are unlikely to see let alone go out with.


That means you have to close my fan site, with all those secret pictures she sent me for which I make people pay thousands of pounds a year to see :D
I think I want to go to America and model for some clothing line and start a band there although I doubt she'd be interested in prog metal but whatever. Something along the lines of that, anyway. :|

Serena is cool but she looks old, as in, really old. Lily is quite the attractive one, as well. :S
I think she can look really pretty and stylish when she wants. However I don't watch Gossip Girl so everytime I see/hear about her, I just get that image of her as a little girl singing Where Are You Christmas.

I have a feeling in a thread so full of sexual frustration my contribution isn't that welcome...