

Apr 6, 2008
I drink many different types of tea, from "normal" black tea (Assam) to green tea (I like Gunpowder tea)

I also drink infusions

here are the varieties (No pun intended) I currently have

Gunpowder tea
Sicilian lemon, ginger and honey
Oregon Peppermint
peppermint (very good if I have a bad stomach)
Fennel (Another digestion aid)
Camomile (quite relaxing)
Dandelion (very similar to Dandelion and Burrdock the soft drink)
Pomegranite and Cranberry
Chai tea

What do you like to drink?

I also drink espresso and filter coffee, just not as much as I used to.
I used to make my own Kombucha (not strictly tea, but made using tea), I stopped as it takes quite a long time to brew (similar to making beer)

I would say my favourate is Lavender Green tea and Jasmine Green tea.
Lapsang Souchong for me.

Not all of the time, but as an occasional afternoon tea I find it hits the right spot.
Longjing (aka dragonwell) is my favorite. Jasmine pearls is also very, very good when done right. Steven Smith Teamaker in Portland, Oregon imports some VERY good (if somewhat pricey) examples of both.

For inexpensive day-to-day green tea, I like Tazo's China green tips (Tazo is Starbucks' brand of tea). It's available bagged in grocery stores and it's really quite good for grocery store tea. And despite the fact that it's the company everyone loves to hate, they're a really ethical company that takes great care of its workers (good pay, and anyone who works even 20 hours per week gets health insurance).

I also drink earl grey and some white teas from time to time, but Chinese greens are my primary love.
I like all sorts of tea (strong 'docker' tea, Russian Caravan, Lady Grey, Rooibos, various herbals ones etc). I've just bought a tea infuser that I can use in a mug so I can experiment with loose leafed tea, rather than bags.
I just use 2 mugs and a tea strainer if I don't want a whole pot.

Loose leaf is supposed to be better than tea bags, more tea of a higher quality and no paper.
That's why I've bought my steeper. I recently moved to ground coffee instead of instant and it's so much tastier, so I thought I'd do the same with tea.
We got one of those 15bar espresso machines yesterday. I'm now drinking less coffee, but of a much higher quality. Typically 1 cup of filter and 2 maybe 3 espressos.

My sister worked in a tea shop in London for a while back when she still lived in the UK, I wish she still worked there!
I'm rather unadventurous with my tea actually. I like the kind of tea you find builders drinking (strong, milk, one - two sugars depending on the training), Earl Grey and loose leaf tea (only had it a few times but damn is it good). Ice tea if I'm desperate.

I can't bring myself to mess around with fruity teas (you know the ones, cinnamon, blueberry, etc), green tea or anything too scary - it's too much for my simple mind to comprehend
I love a good jasmine tea, but my real love is coffee. I couldn't live without my French press.

I usually drink Sumatran beans, but Starbucks cafe Verona is very good as well.
Cannot stand the stuff. Occasionally I'll get my wife's cuppa mixed up with my coffee and take a big slug of her tea. Ugh.
Or when someone else comes in my house and makes tea and coffee but doesn't use the right spoons. I end up with coffee granules in my tea (making the awful monstrosity known as coff-tea) or doesn't use the spoon properly and leaves coffee granules in the sugar!
That's like saying you don't like beer or wine or cheese or martial arts or some awesome combination of all these things. There are just to many types to say you don't like any of them.
I don't like beer or wine either. Most cheese is horrible. Martial arts are OK for the most part.

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