Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims

That would be a very simple way of looking at a very complex issue.

I think one of the biggest problems is that in Britain you only have to study history until the 9th Grade, and the holocaust comes quite a long way down the list of things that have to be covered, which means sometimes the issues surrounding it get simplified or missed out all together.
Yep. Up until that point we also have to learn about how Evil British Whites invented slavery and then went and enslaved every single person in Africa and ruined their continent for all time and caused all the problems that they suffer today and that we must throw more money at them.

I cant be the only Brit who was told that in school.
that is shocking. Everyone knows it was only the English - and the Scots and Irish were totally blameless and the Welsh were far to busy making things and mining.
The slavery thing is always turned into a white vs black thing...

There were many black people involved and to blame for it also.
lol, I dont remember being asked to donate money to Africa during history lessons. My history lessons were similarly bleak but focused on how we devastated Ireland.
Hmm... depends on how you define 'white' I suppose. Many Arabs and Jews had a huge amount to do with slavery.

It wasn't a black VS white thing... it was a money thing. Good old commerce.

There were any number of Africans capturing and selling Africans into slavery as there were Arabs and Jews acting as middlemen as there were whites willing to buy them and put them to work on plantations.
I could ask you the same thing... I also mentioned Arabs and whites involved in the slave trade... but you chose to focus on my mention of Jews.

So what is it about me mentioning the Jews that got you so bothered?
Too sacred a cow for you?

The context of me mentioning them is fair game in such a discussion. How does that equate to me having something with Jews?
I did overstate my case about their involvement being huge. But they were involved none the less. Their involvement in the slave trade in Surinam was larger than in othe markets. If I remember correctly they accounted for about 10% of the slave trade. So yes they merit a mention.

err... no one has parroted anything.
I suggest you do your reading. As I said... the Jews were involved in the slave trade. I concede that I overstated my case by using the word 'huge'. But they were involved none the less. That fact is irrefutable.

Again it's not untrue. They were involved in the slave trade. It wasn't perhaps as high a number as other groups... but still enough to be recognized. Why do you have such a problem with that?

I challenge you to find any other threads here at MAP where I've blamed the Jews for anything. You're trying to paint it as if I'm some sort of anti-semite who's constantly pointing my finger at the Jews. That's simply not the case and you can't anymore prove it with citations than you can make chalk into cheese.

Either put up or shut up.

Hmmm... seems this is a case of your own personal issues. I've not used any of the language you have to refer to Jews. Nor have ever implied it. So really if you need to sort out your issues.... MAP is not the place to do it.

Go back and attempt to understand why my post was responding to. Look at the statement it was responding to. It's hardly some anti semitic diatribe. Rather it points out that the slave trade was not only a white/black issue. There were others involved. The Jews were involved. Like it or not... you simply can't refute it.

Dude... how dense are you?
How poor is your reading comprehension.
I didn't single out the Jews.... look at the friggin' statement... I also mentioned Arabs (but oh we don't hear you moaning about that do we? no.) and it was mentioned in the context of bigger issue of black/white and the slave trade.

The Jews were involved in the slave trader. Period.
You've said it yourself. I conceded that I overstated my case... but again they were involved.

Ok... so if I'd done this more than once... if sooooo many of my posts or threads here at MAP are that blatantly anti-semitic (as you're asserting)... then it will be no problem for you to qoute/link them and post them in all their terrible antisemite rancor here for everyone to see.... right?

Seriously Buckeye Blue... put your money where your mouth is... if not just shut up because you're talking tripe.
You can't say anything about the Jews without being anti-semetic.

Slipthejab should be hanged for pointing out historical facts like that.
Buckeye_Blue - you walked straight into the trap there! Unless I'm mistaken (quite possible) Slip was setting you up to make the point that some people treat people of the jewish faith as protected by some kind of "force field" from criticism - even when it's justifiable. You quickly jumped in with righteous indignation to protect the jewish honour while ignoring his mention of the arabs. It seems that the arabs lack the force field?
ah you cant please everyone... with different ethnic pupils being taught in what was once a predominantly white classroom, subjects will have to change along with their criteria.

dropping criteria in lessons when there has been no mention of offence caused is however stupid... a reason as to why ethnic intergation into a country's culture is slowed down due to PC bumbling jobsworths.

people have developed thinner skins as the years have gone on.
My history is not rock solid but as afr as I am aware the main difference between The Slave Trade and genral slave trade was that it was based on skin colour. The Jews and Arabs would buy coloured and white slaves but in The Slave Trade only blacks were traded. Also the scale was a big difference as well. As for using "Jews" and "Arabs" they are not very good groups because one can be the other and one is a nationatlity and one is a religion.

1) look up the Jewish involvement in the slave trade in Surinam

2) using 'Jews' and 'Arabs' is completely acceptable for this conversation
at least as acceptable as using 'whites' and 'blacks'.

3) Obviously scale makes a difference. But even being on a small scale doesn't mean it gets exscused does it? No. Not one bit.
this is stupid...wth is wrong with the teachers?!?! history is the past... its already happened why would you ignore it... unless you were communist...