tell me your best mama joke or any joke

Yo mama is so epic, she sew a bulletproof vest with the deergore thread.

Yes, it should have.

Fucking Napoleon Dynamite :crash:

Atleast thats what started it back up around here, with "Your mom goes to college"
Your mother is so stupid she went to bangkok to get a TIE fighter.

your momma so stupid she walked into a bathroom and actually sat down on a toilet.
Your momma's so fat, the last time she wore high heels she struck oil.
Your momma's so fat, she's on both sides of the family.
Your momma's so fat, she sat on a rainbow and Skittles popped out.
Your momma's so fat, God couldnt lift her spirit.
Your momma's so greasy, she uses bacon as a bandaid.
Your momma's so loose, she has to wear underwear that says "Beware of Bears".

So lame...
A guy comes home from work one day and sees that his woman is packing her stuff and is about to leave him. He asks her "why are you leaving honey? You know I love you." she says back "I just learned your really really bad, YOUR A PEDOPHILE!" he replies "Pedophile? thats an awfully big word for a 12 year old."