the anime Guilty Crown; is it ecchi?


New member
Dec 4, 2011
I don't really know much about it, but it looks alright. But what i want to know if there is any ecchi in it, and if there is scale it 1-10. Nothing too bad i hope? i just don't like animes like that.
Thanks in advance! ^^
Also, is there any romance? :)
1 being totally squeaky clean, and 10 being High School of the Dead level ecchi, I'd give it maybe a 3. It's not totally ecchi free, but you could blink and miss it. It's barely there.
Like a 3. Did you watch Code Geass? It's that level of ecchiness since Guilty Crown is practically a remake of the series (same writer for both show pony). More like sexy rather than ecchi. Inori is pretty borderline with her red outfit but the murders or innocent people in the series really makes it forgettable.