The Blues, The Devil and these idiots....


May 12, 2008
I don't get too riled by religious people.
I grew up around a lot of Pentacostal Christians... the laying on of hands... speaking in tongues... the whole nine yards of it. I went to Catholic school as a kid... I was an alterboy for... I've spent much of adult life in regions of the world chock full of zealous religious people... whether they be Catholics, Buddhist's or Muslims or Jews.

For many religious people I've got a lot of respect... I've had my bacon saved more than once by a fanatic muslim (how's that for a terrible mixed metaphor... )... I've seen many religious people that'd give you the shirt off their back if you asked and expect nada in return... I've seen many that had only half a tortilla but were willing to share that with you if you were in need.

I've spent time and lots of hour of conversation with religious people who were more than happy to discuss their religion... and not try to cram it down my throat.

So really I truly have lots of repsect for a great many religious people I've worked with, lived with and grown up around...

But what I can't stand is this crap...

I'm not sure what it's from... but if there's anything that makes me want to punch someone in the face repeatedly it's when they take historical conversations out of context to push a religious diatribe. It's even worse when it's something so damn ridiculous as satanic music... or the devil in music.

Someone get me a shotgun.

(ps... I posted this in the general forum because it had to do with music... but also religion and to an extent... culture. If the MOD's see fit to move it... so be it)
right so a guy can't play the guitar, goes away for 6-8 months, comes back and can play the guitar and the most logical explanation is he sold his sole to the devil?!? wow
I thought that was quite interesting! I don't think there's much to get angry about there. It's a recounting of an urban legend - and one which has really woven itself into popular folklore. I'd heard the story of the blues musician who met the devil at a crossroads and sold his soul in return for fame, but I couldn't have put the name Robert Johnson to it. I didn't find the video offensive - it was just a description of a time and a place. It doesn't incite you to hate Mr Johnson.

There was even a more recent re-telling of the story...
I'm aware of the folk tale about Robert Johnson. There are many such tales that come from the Delta area... having both a strong amount of superstition and a strong amount of religion leads to a dynamic blend of folklore that comes out of the area...

What I don't like... is the way the video keeps harping on the devil issue. As if Robert Johnson couldn't play a note without the help of Satan. I do believe they're essentially taking clips of Delta blues players out of context and then hashing it together to support their agenda.

I'm not sure what the bigger clip this actually comes from is. I highly suspect that it comes from the religious right. I don't think their purpose is to retell the folk tale abour Robert Johnson selling his sole to the devil.
The Johnson was wasn't so bad because the story is so well known but theres another one on youtube from the same documentary about Brian Wilson where they exploit his mental illness for their own purpose, its pretty sickening really.
I thought that it was a well established fact that the devil went down to Georgia and he was lookin' fer a soul to steal - he was in a bind, 'cause he was way behind and he was willin' to make a deal.

Anyway, there was something about betting a fiddle against a soul, and I think Charlie Daniels has the rest of the story.
And that's AFTER I added "Martial Arts" to the forum name itself...

Off topic it is!
That documentay was very disappointing. How can you have a chritian 'The devil is in rock and roll' documentary without playing stairway to heaven backwards. Maybe their saving that for part two.

As for Robert Johnson issue it can be quite insulting. Usually it comes up in the context, "Johnson was so good people thought that he sold his soul to the devil" as a sought of an introduction to a tribute. Didn't know that someone would actually try to provide a basis for this being real.

P.S If your quoting Zeppelin lyrics is hardly the basis for any sort of fact.
Ayyyyyeeeee!!! Now how can anyone say THAT is NOT of the devil?

It was The Charlie Daniels Band.... Know thy southern rock/blues fusion!
You mean you don't believe Ralph Macchio can outplay Steve Vai?

Scratch to Jack Butler: "Sweep the leg -- you got a problem with that"?
Oh wait, was that from the Karate Kid? Now I'm confused.
I stopped the YouTube after two minutes. Would someone tell me what was the point with respect to the Blues music: am I supposed to shun Robert Johnson's Blues music, on account of his skill came from the Devil? Is that it? (I don't really want to do that. I like Blues guitar music.)

Of course, one must also ask A. Why it took the devil 6-8 months to give him his mystical guitar powers and B. Why Satan didn't teach him to play better... I mean I love Robert Johnson's music, but as a guitarist he wasn't really all that great.
So what your saying is the devil did some shoddy work on Robert Johnson. I wonder if he could claim a refund on his soul.
Born agains!!Dontcha just love 'em.I remeber one song about the devil and a blues guitarist. The last line was "he wanted my soul but I didn't go along, but I tell you this I did steal his song"
So the devil?"what does he know about the blues?" zip that's what.
Them born agains don't need to sell their souls they need to GET SOME.

regards koyo

I played guitar in a Rock band in the sixties. Now honestly would such a clean cut innocent have anything to do with the devil?? : Angel:
I jus know I am gonna get flamed for this one.
There’s even older various versions of that folk tale in England, but they often center on a young man wanting to play the accordion or concertina (or in one version just master a certain tune).

Sometimes there's the love he wants to win, a contest with the devil, riddles ect

There are many similar legions from around the world about musicians and a supernatural being of dubious intent.

The cross roads theme comes into many folk tale and it’s considered one of the best visual images for setting the seen between mortal and immortal meeting.