The Confession Thread

Actually, I am married. You don't get to learn this stuff sitting on the sidelines.

Don't worry Lily, I'm not totally off limits, I just have to share with the Mrs. (Moofftopic didn't raise no dummy )

Guy tip #23546 Marry bi women.
Agreed, my last girl before the one now was bi, and let me tell you about the good times
Oh! wait, that's for another thread...sorry...
I'm forgetting what each thread is about any longer. Its one big...

I'm actually one of those open/understanding women. I keep encouraging my partner to find someone if he wants to and leave me but he won't. Its true.
Awww Nordic. I don't know what it is, he's a hot guy, girls are always giving him their numbers but he's just dense. I adore him for that though, he's my puppy.

Okay, so what's the worst way someone's dumped an ex?
I've never dumped anyone and never been dumped, I just don't have the heart. What I do is just stop answering all their calls and move on to the next person. One ex went on a 1 year overseas volunteer project (hi Simon!!) to get over it. Poor baby.

Except for my first b/f called Chris (haha!), where I ordered those pizzas and antique furniture set for him. I was 12. After that I repented and started to be nice to boys.
I asked one if she liked spending time with her friends, when she said yes, I told her good cause get the out!
Why do men get so possessive, insecure and jealous when a girl spends time with her friends?

I thought better of you MH!
No, I asked her that because that's where she would end up living, I ain't in to mootchers living off me and thinking they can boss me around.