The Fades... zombie series

Apr 17, 2009
Just heard about this, lol... don't hate on the late-train. Looks pretty good. These days I've been a whole lot more into following series. So any with zombie goodness in them fit the bill... haven't seen it yet... but should get some in by tonight. If you've seen the first season or some of it... what do you think?

Don't give away too much... but overall how did you feel about it?!
The Fades sucks. It's a massive disappoint. The BBC can do a lot better. Think of Frodo from Lord of The Rings crying and bitching for 9 hours and then condense it into a 45 minute TV program and you have The Fades.

Such a shame. It seems like a cool idea very badly executed.

And it's not zombies. It's ghosts who manage to become flesh and blood again. Sorry.
i really enjoyed it. Although the bbc definitely can do a lot better considering Sherlock Holmes new mini series was just on. more of that please!
Hmm.... I've gotten such mixed reviews on this and other forums. Let's see how today goes... if I have time I'll watch one or two... but Aiki's description of it... hahahah... really turned me off to it.

I've just picked up the new Sherlock Holmes series... so that might bump it for the viewing spot.
Sweet Jesus, there's a new Sherlock Holmes series? I really enjoy good BBC TV, like the MI5 show. All that Britishness makes me feel more sophisticated. Definitely need to check out this Sherlock Holmes business.

If you're looking for a great zombie series Slip, check out The Walking Dead. Cannot speak highly enough about it. For family fun scifi, I've been enjoying Terra Nova.
Yes I watched the entire first season and overall it was entertaining. Of course my problem with most of the zombie films is that the zombies are never dangerous enough. It's almost as if the script writers have used the bog standard zombie as the model for all zombie films... in I Am Legend... (despite the fact that the CG zombies sucked and should have been practical FX zombies) they were really onto something. The whole concept of a Zombie that learns or mimics what he see's makes it much more spooky and fascinating! So when Will Smith is caught in a snare and lured there by the manequin that's been moved to the street... yes creepy...!!!!
I can't believe that you're actually complaining about the CGI zombies in I Am Legend.

Also, wasn't that movie adapted from a book? (rhetorical question BTW)

It's sorta like all the bad reviews I read about Van Helsing (starring Hugh Jackman), which mainly chastised the CGI rather than properly critique the other cinematographic components, such as character development, plot, direction, lighting, costumes, etc. (ditto for Catwoman, with Halle Berry). The use of CGI has become a regular staple of the movie industry, and sometimes it's spectacular and sometimes it isn't, but acceptance of it's use is the only logical recourse as I don't see it ever going away. For instance, I recently endured TRON: Legacy and while it was a neat trick to put the face of a "young" Jeff Bridges on the character of Clu, I couldn't help but notice that his facial expressions seemed *limited* in their scope (possibly poor CGI or perhaps because the character was a bit 2-dimensional ).

Don't get me wrong though, as I can totally understand grumbling about cheesy CGI, but in the long run it usually looks like mere whining (especially if the rest of the film doesn't detract from providing an otherwise *satisfying* entertainment value).
The problem with CGI is that it's sometimes overused or used where a practical effect would give a better result. And then sometimes the CGI just isn't very good and doesn't blend with the rest of the film. Blade 2 is a really good example of this. The CGI fight scenes literally looked like a platform adventure computer game.
Overall I thought the film was pretty well done... but personally I find it annoying when the film could have really been a great example of the zombie/post apocalyptic genre had they pulled back on the CGI budget and gone with practical fx for the zombies. Far more believable for my money. I realize that CG isn't going away. I deal with on many projects myself and I understand in many instances why they use it. It's improved about a billion percent what the amateur film maker can do... let alone a tried and true production crew. So I'm down with CG... I just think there's a time and a place for it... for me in I Am Legend... the zombies didn't work as CG. However the heard of deer in an empty Manhatten was brilliant and probably couldn't have ever been done as practical.

Rise of Planet of the Apes was a great example of really well planned out CGI. The range of expression on the apes face was brilliant. That's a case of where CGI worked very well... probably impossible to get anything close to that with practical... Tim Burton's apes were abysmal.
As much as people talk about their Z-Day plans, it'd be an interesting twist to see "I am Legend"-type zombies killing off all the well-armed people, taking their weapons caches, and dominating the planet. Maybe there'd be a military base that gets infected and all that hardware and technology comes into play against what's left of the uninfected. How freaky would that kind of series be?
Yeah, I loved that part, so unsettling. I need to watch the movie again. My favorite zombie movie has been 28 Weeks Later. It has zombies and Delta snipers, how can you go wrong?
Yes 28 Weeks Later ranks up there among the best zombie movies I've seen. I think it's incredibly well done. I like all of them in that series!
By the way, I am loving this new Sherlock Holmes. They better renew it for a season 3. According to some random news source I found, the movie people said they'd keep making them as long as the actor's kept agreeing to do 'em.