The Gaza Strip borders Egypt. Can't the Palestinians get supplies trucked in...

Jun 3, 2008
...from Egypt? I keep reading how Israel has cut off supplies to Gaza.

Gaza shares a border with Egypt, right? Can't they just get their supplies trucked in from there?

What am I missing in this situation?
Arabs talk a good game, but they don't help each other. Surrounding Arab countries could care less about the Palestinians. Believe it or not, the Jews care more for them. After all it was Jordan who slaughtered the most Palestinians when they were in exodus to Jordan. The truth sucks doesn't it?
Israel said it would keep Gaza border crossings closed on Wednesday after mortars and rockets were fired from Gaza into South Israel on Tuesday night. The previous day it had said it would re-open them to allow a limited amount of food, medicines and fuel from Egypt into the impoverished territory.
Em....Egypt shoots any Palestinian crossing the border my dear liberal. Only recently under pressure Egypt sent aid to Gaza and reluctantly let injured Palestinians seek treatment at an Egyptian hospital....they turned back the rest.

Look, every country around the Palestinians wants to keep out the Palestinians. Even they recognize the danger of Hamas. Jordan bans it. All other countries go all out and ban the Palestinians.

Mareka - by supporting Hamas you OPPOSE human rights. The U.S. is not the "master" of Egypt and you cannot blame us for every foreign problem in your vicinity.
I saw this question asked once would seem logical that they could get supplies from Egypt.

EDIT: I just read that Egypt has closed its borders to Hamas - well, actually for a long time............they won't help them - and that is a wise decision.
I saw this question asked once would seem logical that they could get supplies from Egypt.

EDIT: I just read that Egypt has closed its borders to Hamas - well, actually for a long time............they won't help them - and that is a wise decision.
Sure they could . . . but their suffering serves a greater "political" purpose so Egypt will just let them starve . . . .

Weren't the people of Gaza dancing in the streets when 3,000 Americans were murdered on 9/11 ? ? ? Yeah, I remember, .. . . they were CLAPPING . . . and DANCING . . . . when Americans died.

and now THEY are dying . . . .

Oh well . . .

Dan in Miami
They haven't been allowed to have supplies trucked in but there are tunnels which go over into Egypt. Egypt has fully taken advantage of the situation by selling food, medicine and gasoline to Palestinians at inflated prices.,22049,24851756-5001028,00.html
Egypt has a wall - that they built & maintain
to prevent people from Gaza access into Egypt.
Guess they don't want them there even though
the people of Gaza are Muslim.

It would seem Egypt doesn't want the voilence Hammas
brings as the guard the border against intusion.
Egypt government can not do till their master (USA) say OK,,
but the Egyptians people are so angry.

To supernova: I'm not blaming you or any american, I'm blaming the government in the USA. And I'm very sure of this information, believe me.
Egypt government can not do till their master (USA) say OK,,
but the Egyptians people are so angry.

To supernova: I'm not blaming you or any american, I'm blaming the government in the USA. And I'm very sure of this information, believe me.
Egypt government can not do till their master (USA) say OK,,
but the Egyptians people are so angry.

To supernova: I'm not blaming you or any american, I'm blaming the government in the USA. And I'm very sure of this information, believe me.