The last day


Feb 18, 2008
In case anyone didn’t know, at midnight tomorrow the world is going to end.

Yep, its the last of my many predictions that have so far all been fulfilled.

So how are you going to spend your last day alive?
well, sorry to say but your wasting your time. The world wont be here for you to take over once midnight strikes on Big Ben.
Hey mate dont worry, it will all be over in a split second!

If you want i can come give you a big hug, we can face it together!
Hell bring it on I am ready to fight .....

Where are we meeting up ??

I will get the wifes permission !!!!

hey bro me an smurf can fly over to Israel tonight, do some Krav in the morning, then die together!
H man the last flight just took off over our place !!!!

We will have to postpone the end of the earth until say .............2208..

Done deal


Ok ill see what i can do!

Failing that, ill still come down and give you a hug when the time comes!

Ive got hugs for you wife too, we cant leave her on her own...or can we!?!
I'd get on my super-cool power rangers walkie-talkie and signal into the gnomes of western Latveria. They'd set off the nukes, and then they'd be to drink and be merry.

... and thats how Cyco78 ruined the last day on earth for everyone....well everyone except the gnomes.
as far as i know the worlds gonna end in 2012 and i got proof :O
The worlds not going to end per say, it's just going to start over. (But oh man, I can't wait for everything to be like Shadowrun)
ya not gonna fully end just a small pole shift that will wipe out most of the life on the planet im sure going to make the most of my days + i got a survival plan :p