The majority of my family is dirt poor and all family holidays and get togethers...


New member
May 27, 2008
...fall in the lap of the ones that choose to work, save for a rainy and spend their money wisely. I know it could all be gone over night but there is some resentment building up. For instance, we live almost two hours away but spend our gas money and buy food to fix when we get there so we can stay connected to the family. We try to go every two weeks. Our family has visited our new house two times in the last three years. Am I wrong to be aggravated?

Before you answer, they always manage to have killer gifts, easter baskets, outfits, go out to eat all of the time and work when they want to because they like being their own boss. When they are asked to bring paper plates, napkins or a 2 liter of pop, they always say they don't have any money. Even the nieces and nephews are like that....