The Official Pimping Thread: LSP

Cleaning your room eh? And arranging furniture? You sound like the ideal housewife.

Awwwww :hugs: I had a bit of a rough night too. I had a cold and just couldn't sleep and I ended up sleeping on the couch for most of the night. I went to bed about 3am, thought about you for an hour ;) (nothing dirty of course), and then actually got some sleep! Rough times :no:

Spoilers are magical. Let's get married in Londonderry :love:
Measuring yer wood eh? We all have to do it sometime.

I've got a bad cold too and had a rough night, thus why I was on ihav for so long
That looks like something Jeremy Clarkson would blow up or shoot off a cliff or run over :rofl:
Well lets just say the cleaning didn't last long and soon turned to doing my hair, haha.

Why did you sleep on the couch? Surely your bed would've been better? :S lol.

Londonderry? I will marry you in true pimp style, you have two options:

A) Las Vegas, true pimp style
B) Ultimate rapper pimp style in a lavish pimp wedding with pimped out ice sculptures's up to you ;)

Of course, you're my head pimpette!

I couldn't sleep last night, beginning to think I'm turning into somewhat of an insomniac!..and haha at the wood thing :p:

Of course not, anything pimped is allowed!

OK, I've just quoted a ridiculous amount of people in this reply lol.
I wouldn't forget to invite you Christine. It's like forgetting to invite my parents. How could I forget? :rolleyes:

All hail me PPE hopeful

Typical female :rolleyes:

I slept on the couch because it was too hot in my room. So I got the duvet and slept on the couch in the living room. It was too hot for a duvet but you know...the sleeping dragon was waking ;) and just incase someone walked in. At about 7am I went to bed and it was much more comfy.

A) That's good
B) That's even better ;) and then the following day we could have an undersea wedding!

I like the way you think. You would make an even more ideal wife because you could do my thinking for me. As well as the dishes, and various other household chores. :yeah:

I forgot to say "I'm not sexist or anything"
Us females have to try look good or else we wouldn't be worth of you pimps :p:

Ah right, I was quite the opposite last was absolutely freezing in my room so I had my hot water bottle..just found out an hour ago that we ran out of oil and the oil delivery man forgot to come to our house, ohh looks like I'll be sleeping with several hot water bottles tonight to heat me up! :( Sleeping dragon? :laughing:

Under the sea? hahaha, now that would be something different! Hmm, well I would prefer to invest in a dish water and a cleaner :p:

I forgot to say "I'm not lazy or anything" ;)
Oil delivery man? Surely thats just a pimp...

especially if it's lubrication oil...... or body oil..... definitely a pimp, keep an eye on your mum :p:

I'll keep the eye on you..... :p: and your mum
You dirty rat! :p:

My mother is watching television I shall have you know, alone haha.

Oh dear, I would prefer it if you didn't keep an eye on my mother haha!
Well duh, I wouldn't just forget you :hugs:

Yes, I definitely know what a woman is worth..

Dayum girl. What you needed was a good drilling..and not only for oil. ;) It's kind of funny that you ran out of oil :toofunny: Oh well, at least, George W Bush won't be looking for WMDs anywhere near your house. :rolleyes:

Yeah under the sea. You have to be innovative these days. It would just be out of this world! Investing in a dish washer and a cleaner? WHAT? I mean as you're really into fashion you can stay at home and be one of those stay-at-home wives. Or you could just become a Domestic Engineer ;)

No wife of man would be lazy :hmmm:
Hahahaha, oh deaaaar. It's not funny, it's very cold :( I'm drinking tea, must go fill up a few hot water bottles so I don't freeze to death here.

True, we can't have an average pimp is average, we're an elite of extraordinary people. Yes of course, fashion and housework go hand in hand :confused: haha. Domestic engineer you say? The wife of man shall be lazy if she wishes to be :p:
I think I got my 1,000 post on this thread. Quite fitting I'd say. That said it was probably to get owned by S ---> L
Tea? I can't say I'm a tea person. I've tried coffee but it wasn't really my cup of tea.

You don't want to be a Domestic Engineer? Wonderful job title to have. :yep:

This is THE place to achieve milestones bruh