The police truly are amazing

the great thing about the internet: anyone can post. the bad thing about the internet: anyone can post.

i mean seriously? what, are you going to start with some infowars "articles" now?
I cant think of anything more disgusting than thinking of yourself as elite, from my experiences the idea of being elite in the UK is about looking down on society and believing you are better than others for no other reason than wealth and who your family are... which to me automatically makes you the lowest of the low just like all our politicians and royals. It also forces a society of us and against them. There is nothing United about the Uk
No it does not. I strive to be elite, coming from a poor, working class single parent family. I want to be the best I can be and not trapped by my class.

I want the best education for my children, I want to give back to my community and I want to be in a position to be self sufficient in life and retirement rather than rely on charity from the government.

People have a very skewed idea of Elite.

For me, from that clip, the tall guy was the Elite, he is the one who is educated and principled. The Bailiff and the other 2 guys are the examples of the poor working class jobs worth's who cannot see beyond picking up their measly paycheck that they don't care about right or wrong.
With respect, I think it's you who has a rather skewed perception of what the word 'elite' means.

Wanting the best for yourself and your children isn't elitist, it's normal. Being elitist means wanting you and your kind to have the pick of society's wealth and privilages while the majority have to go without.

The scouser in the clip wasn't 'elite'. He was simply intelligent and articulate. He sounded like a normal working class chap, not a privilaged public school boy. They are the ones who are part of the 'elite'.
In my opinion the word "Elite" has come to mean something entirely different these days, especially with the Occupy Wallstreet Movement and the current disdain for big cooperations and the banks. I feel like "entitled" and "lacking a common understanding of your fellow man" needs to be inserted when you're talking about that type of "elite." I still process the word as being "one of the best" at what you do, and that often comes with very good financial stability. It has become a blanketing term, complete with gross generalizations and massive assumptions about people who are in that class.