The real Elizabeth Bathory?

Well, All we can do is guess, it being history and all. But you've had some responses that seem to indicate that 600 was not a figure ever bandied about seriously, many of the allegations you initially described were not made at time she was tried and that, on the whole, it's almost certain she was a nasty piece of work, guilty of multiple murders. Honestly I'd be more suspicious if no one had benefited from her death then that some people did. It's pretty scant 'evidence', even by conspiracy standards
I already posted the bloodbath stories only got started many years after she was dead. Why would you be surpised if noone had benefited from her death?
But like you say maybe we can only guess.
You mean like Gilles De Rais whom I have mentioned twice now already?

And if I owed a serial killer money I doubt I would pay either. I find it FAR more likely the fact she was a serial killer/mass murderer/psychopath provided a convenient "get out" clause for her debtors.

If your questions actually were not self-evidentally obvious the answers would probably flow smoother

Not really firing on all cylinders are we?
Nope you're not firing on all cylinders for sure. You say she really was a serial killer, very convient and coincidental for her debtors. Maybe youre right maybe not.
I say she was definitly a mean bitch, just not sure she was really one of the most prolific serial killers of all time.
She was a noble, in feudal europe. When she died, SOMEONE got all her stuff! And some people got off the hook, well, moneylending was a pretty popular pastime, it's not surprising that she partook.
Its all debateable i guess. Just the other day i was reading that Albert Desalvo, the Boston Strangler, was a pathological liar with a history of confessing to crimes he didn't commit and the police accepted his confession, which may have been false, just to close the case.
But, that doesn't change the fact that 300 people acted as witnesses. Yes all right, would you trust people who witnessed witch trials, very good, very droll, very irrelevant. Or possibly a hippopotamus. However, the balance of evidence that's been presented in this thread indicates that she did, therefore our best educated guess has to be that, well, shedunit!
I don't see how its irrelevant. As i pointed out, using the witch trials as an example, there was a lot of coerced testimony in those days.
whatever the history rumors, I think we can all agree that Bathory, DeSalvo, etc were all dropped on their heads and deprived of oxygen at birth.
Proving that something is possible, or even plausible, is not the same as proving that it is likely. You need to make that link if this is to be an even debate.

Edit: When you bring a new point into a debate, or a new argument, the onus is on YOU to demonstrate it's relevance, if that demonstration is not convincing, you either need to abandon the point or else reinforce the demonstration.
Theres another historical rumor that Jack the Ripper worked his way to New York. There was a series of killings in NYC in the 1890s that resembled the Ripper killings in London.
Myself i think its more likely some American psycho read about the Ripper case and decided to play copycat.
Or if it was one person.

The Ripper would be just another killer if not for the press writing the "Dear Boss' letter....yet another reason to dislike journalists!
DNA vindicated him

If you are going to throw around this type of loose, ill-focused post then at least check your source material.

Your position of "yeah she was a killer but people owed her money" is borderline stupidity. No-one EVER accused her of being one of the worst of all time and any scholar worth their salt has already weighed in on this long ago.

And I again notice you avoiding the Gilles De Rais issue - care to respond or would you prefer to tangent off again?
Wait, but, but your suspicions have been answered and your repetition of the fact that people owed her money has nothing to do with the case. Motive's are ten-a-penny. As well say the staff made the whole thing up because she was an unpleasant mistress, which we've established. In fact, I bet the murdered girls won't have been murdered at all, they're probably living in south america!

Okay so maybe that was a bit far, but, really, you're stretching the boundaries of suspicion here
You are very wrong. The 600 victims figure, which many still believe today would make her the prolific serial killer in history by far. One tenth that number would put her way ahead of Gacy, Bundy and other notorious killers.
And i couldnt care less about Gilles.
If she was a killer was it manslaughter or premediatated murder?
And who was the real Boston Strangler?