"The sad thing is that there is no cure for religion when first infected... ?


New member
Jun 9, 2008
...the only way out is to find out for yourself. Any outside pressure will only worsen the delusion, so the best weapon against religion is to ignore it."

The above quote comes from a very interesting discussion about education and religion on the Times HES website.


I would be interested to know if you agree. Can those mired in religion only find their own way out, or is there anything we can do to help? Are we, in fact, making things worse for them by pointing out the errors in faith and the non-existence of deities, because then they feel they have to defend their beliefs?

And to those wondering why I'd bother to help the religious to understand, I wouldn't be too concerned if religions didn't have an impact on society through education, schools, laws, wars (cf. Sarah Palin)
I don't suggest you to get rid of your faith, except it is anything except the christianity, since I am christian and i Truly believe in my God And His son the Jesus Christ, I love them, care about them and am willing to die for them!
God Does Exist!
Why do you exist
why do monks and christians exist
why are the years counted from the birth of the Jesus
where did the bible come from
why do all people exist?
why does The Earth exist?
why are there bad and Good persons?
why is there just bad and Good?
why do then people even believe in Christ?
Why does the faith, temples exist?
God Bless You And Don't Turn Away!