The Small Talk Holiday Scavenger Hunt of 07/08 Info (teams are full)

its interesting thinking of pictures that are "appropriate" for a banner. Fleshlights have been pposted before so im going with that


i like the first one better.
yes im in geometry and I know this already....

Im a sophomore in geometry and i will be taking algebra 2 in a couple weeks.
Meh? Fail Much?

Atleast when I went to school, we had Grades: 6- Pre Alg, 7- Alg, 8 - Geometry, 9 -Alg2, 10 - Trig, 11- Pre Calc, 12 - Calc.

I think the honors kids had Calc AP for senior year, but not sure how it wall worked out.
ooooo bad timing.... all next week are finals... I know everyone can't be happy but.. Damn this puts me in quite a bind
Yea, well I'm a junior in AP Calc AB.
Last year i was a sophomore in Honors Pre Calc and Honors Trig.

but seriously, i dont understand any of it and am failing
so you are probably smarter than me
now ill /bamf
ok good cuz i was planning on contributing all during break but my mid terms need some good focusing
yep I shall be here making sure only A-Grade shit is going through this End of year Scavenger hunt.

Don't waste your time cutting corners, I will have a team of editors making sure no shens gets by me. :tup:
Ahhhh I am too late!!

Hahaha, we kicked ass last time Spartans. We shall never be forgotten!


And a contribution to remember the good times...


edit: And yes, I hands down owned the last SH with ~1,700 points for Spartans :tup:
Haha oh well, last time was a great time. I guess all I can do is watch it now.

I'll be rootin' for my old team members :tup:

edit: When did you PM me?

Last PM I have from you was

Back when we were talking about the prizes lol
I just checked, and I deleted that batch of PM confirmations. It was sometime before the 4th though. I'm positive I PM'd you.. I remember wondering why you didn't want in then and was all :confused:
Damn, must have been an error on offtopic's part, because I had never got it. Meh...

Want me to help out in any way? I know my way around these Scavenger Hunts haha.
I don't really wish to be on a team though.
Dang, was a disappointing night :(

Edit: Can I be a judge or something? :)
Edit: I at least deserve something from that last game! :D
Since we never got our shirts :dodgy:.... lol jk