The Time has come: SENIOR PRANKS

there isnt evough poop to cover this courtyard
i might steal all of the outdoor lunch tables and vending machines and put them on the roof
if you have stairs at your school we do at my school b/c its an 11 floor building get a shit load of bouncy balls and just let them loose down the stairs there will be bouncy balls around for weeks
or you could nail rats in the teachers nail boxes by that i mean take rats put them in the mailboxes and then nail the boxes shut with plywood
i always wanted to put crickets all over the school... library, vents, empty lockers, grabage cans. Its not a senior prank, but more of a fun experiment.

*Put a mattress in the school pool, not really original but it would look really cool if you could pull it off.
*Put cellophane over all the toliets in the school... props if you can pull it off, although kids would spread it around thats thers cellophane on the shitters pretty quickly.
*Lube all over the hallways, but then your liable for injuries and what not.
*Superglue all the locks is always a good one, but your fucked if they catch you.
*The traditional cow on the top floor of your school prank, havent seen it pulled off EVER, just heard about it. Problem is getting the fucking cow.
*Dixie cups full of water covering the entire first floor. Have no idea how you could finish it in time but would be amazing.
*Road kill in the vents, wouldnt get much peer approval but would make me laugh.

***Do something to fuck with faculuty, those are the best. Superglue everything down thats on a desk or table top for example. Block off the faculuty parking lot with something maybe. Anything to fuck with them.
My school has these rods that go through the holes of rows of vacant lockers for some reason in the woods/metals hallway which I could easily remove with a wrench. So what you do is find some of the same ones and stick them through a row of used lockers, but weld the ends to the lockers or something so you can't just pull them out. It would take a while for bolt cutters to get through them too. I used to put locks on random lockers and watch the people as they went to their lockers. It was fucking great and I never got caught.
Hah we have stairs, ive heard about that. I was thinking to get a buncha peanuts and pile them in a small office and some with other stuff. Possibly gift wrap a room. BUT NO KEYS GG>:crash:
that is such weak shit it doesnt even deserve a comment

The next day all the kids will look at the roof and think "who's the dildo that put our tables up there"

you will be the only one who giggles at it, and im more than certain the faculty will just look at you and know its you.

re-hashing old shit =/= good pranks
Lol thats a sick prank making it onto google maps. It seems very hard to get into the school and theres cameras in my halls also ! gah. I was thinking to just open a window and hope they dont close it the night before so i can get in. Just a tiny crack.

I go to youtube and watched some pranks and i have no fucking idea how they all can get into the school.

If i cant get in, got any outside pranks besides forking, and stuff on roof cuz my school roof isnt flat.
most schools have pretty cheap outer hinges on their doors if I am correct. You can get at these with a flathead screwdriver and hammer. Get the hinge pins out and you have the door. Or just uncrew them. Buy a torx wrench just in case they thot they could outsmart you with torx. If you fail, epoxy in those fuckin doors mang. fucking epoxy.