The wierdest thing I found

some cops are cool but some are complete dick heads around here specially state troopers and the town/city/county what ever u wanna call it next to me
When I used to work for the Public Works back in HS during the summer, we got called by some old lady who had a dead blue jay stuck the the grill of her car.....
I'm sure they've all seen a certain picture of you and some coronas, too.

Expect a call to your parents, heathen.
Ah, my best friend used to live there.

Isn't that where there are those like 10 huge ass towers? Anytime I'm outside at night I see those.
i hate cops.... the ones around here atleast. It's a fucking joke, they get paid to hastle teenagers and break up parties.

Why didnt you just shoot the fuckin bird?
my dad's a cop in San Francisco.

He's had a few weird calls, but once he was called to the scene of a guy tripping bad on acid. The guy was completely naked and he said he was really cold, so my dad told the guy to twist his nipples. The guy started twisting his own nipples to get warm