There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

wow, your depserate to justify obama's connection to that crazy minister. iv seen you post that at least 5 times now. i dont think your getting anywhere
There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

Prove that there are white people in that church. I can't think of any intelligent white person that would ever stand for that. What kind of 'spiritual guidance' would anyone ever get there?? You are just someone on Obama's staff trying to put out the fire. Some of us are not as dumb as you think we are. Just tell him to give it up and quit now if he loves his party and wants any hope of a Democrat in office. The longer he stays, the more Democratic votes McCain will win, including mine.
There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

i am sure many whites attend and i am sure that they share the sentiments about america. you can see from post here on yahoo that many hate america and what we stand for so i am sure that they would feel right at home hearing such rhectoic and would agree with it. does that make it right.
There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

My guess is that any whites attending this church are far far far left America hating individuals. Like radicals that believed it's OK to bomb government buildings and kill innocent people to make a point. Domestic terrorists types. I'm a lefty but not that lefty. I find these people's hateful views frightening.
There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

I think that people believe the same things the pastor believes or they wouldnt attend it!!! as far as the whites that attend they are probally married to a african american some whites are all for african americans and against their own race as is some african americans are against their own race...But for anyone to preach god damn america is bad enough but for them to set there and still attend their church is crazy unless they believe it too...
There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

Who said any thing about anti-white. Ime talking about some one who attends a church that preaches hatred and has attended this so called "church" for a good part of his life.
There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

You have a pretty lengthy rant written here.However, I, like many people, do hold people accountable for the affiliations they keep.If anyone affiliates themselves with a White-racist organizaton, then properly they are called White-racists. I do not think anyone would disagree that the KKK and Stormfront are Whte-racist organizations. David Duke is a White Supremacist and a White racist.When looking at the teachings and preachings of TUCC, replacing all occurrences of the terms "black" and "white" respectively with the terms "white" and "black," it becomes immediately apparent that TUCC is a Black-Supremacist organization.Once that is established, and the fact that Barack Obama has made TUCC his church for twenty plus years, it is also immediately apparent that Barack Obama is a Black Supremacist, and therefore a Black-racist.If there are white people who have affiliated themselves with TUCC, knowing that TUCC has an African-centric Black-Supremacist organization, then those white people would also be known as the way, apparently you missed the parts of Obama's autobiographies (plural, there are two in circulation) where he says he distanced himself from his white mother because he loathed Whites!
There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

I don't support either. But the simple fact is that many of these people go their for political guidance. He mixes politics in with his sermons. Now I don't know whether they blame the whites (themselves) for the blacks now but that is not a valid argument. Sorry.
There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

I seen no whites in the video where are they hiding themThe best link you have is to a old fox story. The guy that filed the suit has been discredited already and is a felon
There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

I dont believe that you can know the hearts of hundred of white people you've never heard anything from. I did notice that you tend to infer that because Obama is 1/2 white that it is impossible for him to be anti white. I personally have no opinion about whether he is or is not but a point must be made- there is more than one instance in history where a person has made efforts to destroy in the world the very things they despise about themselves. Your logic is flawed.You're evidence is also a bit off. You have links to blogs and political sites that support your views with opinions. Blogs are free speech and do not have to be factual. Opinions are not fact.
There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

I was on youtube checking out Obama's pastor and after viewing that particular segment, I now see why people would label Rev. Jeremiah Wright as a racist. This is the same man who emphatically stated that 9/11 was America's fault. Setting aside political and racial differences, I view his statement as being anti-American and hateful. Lot's of Americans died that day. Every Presidential Candidate has "flaws." On top of Barack's flaws, he now has a major flaw. His pastor. Way to go Rev. Jeremiah Wright. You've just put another nail in Barack's coffin. ( o _ 0 )
There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

I agree. Most on here don't even bother to check anything out for themselves. They only repeat what they have heard....If they did, they'd also know that the United Church of Christ is headed by a WHITE man, Reverend Chuck Currie.But, they don't want the truth. They'd rather come on here with shocking statements, repeated rumors and heresay. Shows the average IQ, doesn't it?
There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

The whites going to that church simply agree and have bought into the rhetoric. There is actually a good thing about this situation. In the national media racism is being exposed as an ugly thing.
There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

You mean that we spent 70 million dollars with Ken Starr who found NOTHING and you had the answers all the time? LOL Sorry, but none of this is new information! Just hackers discrediting the Clintons.I did not support Obama BEFORE Wright's hateful rhetoric was exposed. Obama is a pander who is campaigning on lies. To make people think he will carry the message of the people forward is just a plain fantasy! The Congress makes the laws and enacts legislation. Obama is a farce! I've watched every debate and Obama has used his time to discredit his opponents. If Obama was sooo wonderful, he would have articulated his views...yet he did not. I think he is a puppet...and plagerizing everyone else's words just proves he doesn't have a clue. I have noticed that he copies Hillary's plans....I don't think Obama is Presidential material...he likens himself to Lincoln and the Kennedy's....what a joke!!This country elected Bush twice...well the Supreme court the first time and voter fraud the second. Gore and Kerry both should have objected. Obama is campaigning on judgment....his judgment has proved to be poor, very poor!
There are hundreds of whites who attend the same church with Obama. Are they anti-white too?

This is an easy one.............YES! That would be the same as asking if a black guy was a life long member of the KKK would he hate black people......YES!!! See how easy it is to answer that question.By the way I'm sure they're paying white people (or people are donating time) to attend his church.