Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

I remember last July finding a hedgehog hibernating in the compost heap. Picked him up with a garden fork and tried to find somewhere nice for him. Didn't give him a name though.
Have not seen my girlfriend in 2 months while shes been in Perth with family. Shes been in Adelaide the past few weeks with a friend who is in hospital. She was meant to be coming home yesterday but found out someone has maxed her credit card and the bank wont fix it for 10 working days. She got the issues sorted and was then meant to come today but then her friend called for her to come to the hospital today. GRRRRRRRRRR!

Illness is very inconsiderate of peoples plans. I just want to see my girl.
Grr to being jumped on yesterday by too many juniors and straining my back again. Ah well, I'd be in less pain if my bf and I hadn't shown them the two people rolling circle and a hurricanrana
Being a fool, and hurting people I really care about.

TBH Grrrrr doesn’t even come close!

Without the luxury of a time-machine and the curse of 20:20 hindsight, I’m powerless to do anything. All I can do is pray to any and all powers that are out there that the whole situation can be resolved with minimum hurt to all.

The blame is solely mine, the responsibility is solely mine, I’m human and far from perfect, I can deal with my mistakes – it’s an injustice when others suffer because of them.


doing some 'light' sparring so didn't put shin pads on.

a few kicks later I'm limping and putting my shin pads on... next time I'll put them one straight away.
Poor Rob, hope everything works out for you!

And silly Axel! I have lovely new shin guards that I cant fail to wear as they are so nice
i thought we were going light, should have figured that was 'light' against a thai boxer.

I am getting the "oh what have you done now" speach in work.
Such is life my friend....

Having to sit here doing basicly ....... NOTHING!

And yet, for some reason, the company won't move me to my new position since my boss can not figure out how he is going to run this position w/ 3 people!

Sheesh! Corporate bigwigs.....
Even I'm getting a bit bored now living life as a teenager. My son has had a good summer holiday which was the main reason for me staying at home. He spent last summer stuck in with his grandparents so fairs fair.
Cost me a fortune though
Grrrrr think I may have a perforated ear drum after landing on my head at training. Hearing gone and my tinnitus is 10 x worse than normal! Docs for me tomorrow Can't sleep the noise is so bad.
Work deciding it was a good idea to call and send messages at 6am yesterday morning. Me and my 9months pregnant wife were the least bit happy!!

then being sent to London and on the way back from London being sent back again!!!!!!! so I could not pick my wife up and she had to walk home from the station which is about 1/4 mile up hill

our electric shower also broke - woo so have to get that fixed

Grrr to the git who scraped past my car today and left a lovely scrape on the side, just in time for me to get a value on it part exchange.

thanks a bunch you coward. I will find you on the company's CCTV and you will be sorry.

and Grrr to me living in the Grrr thread at the moment.

Grrr to missing the map meet instead I have to have a birthday party for my 6 year old son and 24 of his friends Ahhh