Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Grrrrr bus breaking down. Grrrrrr forgetting that its April Fools Day until said bus broke down. Grrrrr not being able to get into the MAP Admin area on my phone to set up an April Fools prank...

Yay for having a full year to prepare for next year!
anth, what you should have done was to start examining the bus, then tell the other passengers that it was about to start working again, then yelled april fools :p
There was absolutely nothing wrong with the bus anyway! The guy who showed up with a replacement bus got in the "broken" one and drove it away with no hassle whatsoever!
Capoeira students who come to class with dingy/dirty training pants makes me go grrrrrrrrrrrrr.....

...and fellow BMW drivers who add silly modifications to their cars make me go grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
people that ask what time i get back out of karate GRRRRRRR ( i do jujitsu and they have known that for years )

people that see me in my gi and make some weird karate chop thing and a HIIIYAA sound and laugh GRRRRRR
EVERYTHING is Karate to people who don't know any better. Deal with it.

Kung Fu = Karate
Tae Kwon Do = Karate
Ninjitsu = Kar.......Well ok lets not go that far (I joke!)

Then theres my uncle who when asking me about Karate refers to it as "that nunchukin ".

Basically if someone does anything that involves punching, kicking or throwing then its Karate. Sad but true.
Stupid apple pie what I won off McDonald's can only be got after 10.30am. Who are they to dictate when I can have said apple pie??? Facists! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
Grrr to the weather.

I go out on site this morning. Cloudy and cold.

I get back to the office. Sunny and warm.

nobody seeming to grasp the difference between shooting urself in the foot and getting shot in the foot by someone else regardless of how how many times and how slowly i explain it GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR