Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Dirty things/places, people who think so highly of themselves, guys who whistle and call girls like dogs, eaves droppers
People who moan about it being beautiful and sunny, after the last 3 wash out summers! Think of all the people who might actually benefit this year from the sun! And man up and get training , the sun is no excuse to become lazy
Just cycled to Asda and it was quite nice on the way there - coming back up the hill told me I'm going to need two gi jackets at training tonight because of the sweat!!!
New to the topic, seems like a sort-of outlet

About to ask out a female friend of mine, she tells she has a boy friend. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
People who bitch behind your back and don't air grievances to your face. I'm fairly angry right now, because it's stress myself and other involved parties really don't need.
Women's "logic"

I offered to buy mrs koyo a top for the hot weather. She grabbed two.(different colours)

I pointed out that she had two........

"It's NOT two it's one of each!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

confused koyo
had to pair up with a black belt for judo practice. GOT MEGA OWNED. the other guy wasnt even trying......
Recently had an experience with female logic.

When I got suspended for saying bad things after receiving a BS detention in homegroup (it was from maths the previous day), I said, "that ing Indian , she gave a b..... detention" and, according to my homegroup teacher made death threats against her (even more bull, I never said anything of the sort)

So, I had to talk to the year level manager. She said that, because my homegroup teacher had told her three times that I threatened to stab the Indian teacher, it was true. What the....

By the way, does anyone think that calling an Indian person "Indian" is racist?
Nowadays I think it probably is. Seeing someone as a race rather than an individual can allow stereotypes to form and you wouldn't want two of them on your case would you?
Grrrrrrrrrrr at the anticipated cost of my cars service.

New starter motor.
New front discs and pads.
Two little nylon bearings (or something) on the front suspension that involved stripping down all the suspension to fit them.
Full service, the big one.
No! TBH I've been good recently. I can't remember the last time I went over 130. I've been buzzing over getting 45 -50 mph
Grrrrrrrrr to the sun.

Was out on Tuesday in my hire car and the air-con on it needs re-gassing or something because it doesn't bloody work. Well I cooked. Came home at about 1pm and fell asleep drained. Haven't been right since, why I'm off today.
It's the first time in maybe 15 years I've been in that sort of heat and just couldn't take it. Mind you I never thought to have the windows open, just prayed the aircon would start working. It didn't. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr