Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

At present, and the things that are happening lately at work, and knowing that my finances are pretty much in order (aikido is paid until May), its marginal.
Done in, absolutely, totally mentally fatigued.

I don't think I've ever worked so hard as this last month.

I am trying to muster up the energy to walk to the garage to pick up my car after it's MOT.

Spare ribs from the Chinese takeaway and a bottle of cider as a reward me thinks.

Going training tomorrow for a rest.
LOL no it's not. There's no rule written not even in Middle Earth or in any world in the Pegasus Galaxy that says we need to like all the same foods. Besides, if you don't need to share then you get more
But it's curry! And I'm sure there is an unwritten rule, somewhere in the universe, that says everyone should like curry!

That is true and goes in your favour as a mitigating circumstance!
Thrown on the mat god knows how many times, punched in the jaw, kneed in the thigh and plexus, head bashed, and just to add on to it, a dropping punch into the floating ribs.

Oh, and I'm hungry.
Bloody lie ins (yeah I don't like lie ins) it's 1245 and I havent eaten a crumb, so hungry, have a headache and now have less time to do the jobs I wanted doing.
inefficiency and the invonveniences that it brings. for the first time i have an active desire to distance myself from my parents and GTFO.

My grrr is vomiting and the runs, no idea what's caused it, went to boxing anyway, was having to run to the toilet in-between rounds! Stupid idea!
Well, she IS She who MUST be OBEYED. And there'd have to be consequences for someone not liking Stargate. How could a true Stargate fan let that slide?
LOL!'re askin' for it twice in as many posts?!

I'm..uuuhhhmmm...gonna get to a safe distance on this one.
Wiped out a study session. Felt super weak and just fell asleep over my math textbook for two hours.

Yep, you guessed it, some sugar solved that one.

Note to self, don't go for several hours on just one stupid helping of toast and egg...
Oh dear, oh, dear, oh dear...

Those are not the words you want to be uttering near me, young man (and I'm including the 'spanking' comment in your file for future reference)...

You can run, but you CANNOT hide!

You want to rub my knees whilst watching Stargate?
I have no idea what I did to it! Well, that's not entirely true, I have a theory that when I went for a run a week or so a go, my hormones were a little out of whack and my joint stability (or just general stability/co-ordination) was shot and the uneven terrain I was running over irritated the ligaments a little. I'm icing the knee and avoiding certain exercises that might cause trouble and it does seem to be settling down. Of course if I was being sensible, I'd just stop doing lower body stuff for a couple of weeks, however, I'm not being that sensible!