Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

^ reminds me I need to get some thermal insoles for my boots. last nights' gig in an unheated warehouse with concrete floor and side door open was chilly
I kind of want to ask what inspires such, uhm, loyalty, but I'm afraid that I might find out...

It's a dileofftopic!
so because someone does not like walking uphill, i spent an extended period of time exposed to a stupidly cold wind, which has resulted in my spending the day with a permanently irritated nose, which in turn results in it doing its best impression of the niagara falls, while i feel as if someone drove a nail into my right nostril, and i can't stop sneezing, which in addition to the massive quantities of snot i'm producing, also causes my tear glands to discharge like there's no tomorrow, as they have the bad tendency of doing whenever i sneeze.

i am not amused.

this is the best option. go with this.

currently honked off at stupid people. in particular, stupid shoppers. actually got run into with a buggy at the store. this asian lady just slammed into the line/space between yours truly and someone in front. literally an 18 inch space. this wench actually thought she would just insert herself and her buggy into the line there. when asked "why", she claimed she thought the space was open and than all the other people lined up were therefore NOT in line. also stupid for assuming stupidity of others.

when approaching and the slamming, the asian lady was on the phone talking in perfect english. when asked why she did it, she reverted to the "oh, sohree, i no undahstahnd" type of english. she actually thought we would just give her a pass on stupidity if she acted like that.

starting to suspect i might actually be having an allergic reaction to the humidity...
Apparently I can clean less than I can hang clean? That is pointlessly stupid and annoying.

Also they gym move is making things very unwelcoming for non-cross fitters I have the choise of an hour gap, I which I need to be cleared away 50mins in or an hour and a half gap where I need to clear away after 1 hour 20. There are only 2 other open gym users and one of them takes 45-50 mins to warm up and mobilise.
must be getting fat. just did some ibuki breathing and the button on my trousers popped...


*changes pants*
soooooo, i was on my way to the gym, yes?

since i slept like crap and haven't recovered, i was only going to do some bagwork and climbing stuff, yes?

and i'm more than halfway there, when suddenly i look down and i realize...

i'm wearing boots

^ I've seen plenty of guys wearing boots in the gym, even caught some on one of my gym videos doing floor press let it buffer to 7 mins and don't watch me doing Bent Over Rows. OK so they're rocking the YMCA look, but I'd never tell them