Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Still crazy rough from last night and totally shattered (got in at 730am so I still haven't slept) and have to work till 6 tonight! AAARRRRGGGGHHHH.
For some people ignoring is easier than confronting. I learned this, maybe not intentionally but from two absent parents, that stuff never gets discussed therefore you learn that nothing can be resolved by talking about stuff. Result: I no longer speak to my family, the ones still around that is. Philip Larkin was right

Xmas shopping Went on a bit of reconnaissance today. Met another judoka when looking for cards. Cambridge is just a village really!
Heh when it comes to serious stuff like family I agree but I was talking more about general chit chat. Saying hello on facebook that kinda thing
It's now been two days since I splept, just finished a shift (6am here) working in the VIP fir a greek night, rude people and lousey tippers! Beautiful women though!

Got 4 hours to shut me eyes then get up for strongman practice. glass of scotch and a couple ZMA for me.
Sorry to hear that. I'm right in the middle of weight loss and training, I'm suppose to rest it. I'll give it a couple of day's and then experiment with what I can and cannot do. I don't want to re-injure it, but I must continue.
I didn't have a choice! Was stuck wandering up and down northumberland street for and hour! Also why is holister trying to look like a nightclub? It's too bloody dark.

So I may be getting a promotion at work which is awesome but the bar I'll be running does some of the more 'unusual' nights, as it's in a separate part of the building

Greek night on Friday which was alright dispite the majority being pretty poorly mannered and last night we had a 'new monkey' night!

For those that don't know new monkey is a type of rave that originated in newcastle and Sunderland, the music of choice for the hardcore chav's of the 90s that apparently still exists.

Honestly thought my brain was going to explode, cant wait till January when the bar will go back to being the VIP section.
Aye lads, it was bedlam. Didn't manage to find much (looks like the old record shop closed a while back ) so I had to stick with eyeing up shiny guitars, scanning books with RedLaser app in Waterstones for later checking on Amazon and generally annoying people. Glad I parked at Heworth and got the Metro in - I'd have got out of the car and walked if I'd had to drive out of that place