Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

You might try cod liver oil and CoQ-10. I took both for high blood pressure, because of roids, and they worked better than prescriptions without any of the side-effects. Also, they're both very affordable.
Try being even shorter, female and having biceps, triceps and quads!

I've given up even trying to get clothes to fit me. It's just too depressing. I just wear tops baggy and occasionally get trousers shortened.

I do feel your pain though!
i don't even fill out the size S shirt i bought from my gym ಠ_ಠ

and i was looking at a few clothing stores and they didn't even have sizes under M ಠ_ಠ

most of the Norwegian and Swedish guys I've met have been fairly tall. I'd have thought at least sports shops would have a range from kids to adults. Had a similar problem when staying in Thailand, all the women there are tiny
Nope, mostly stick insects (except the boxers though I don't know if they have womens thai boxing), I saw a few larger ladies at a local market in the district where the old airport Don Muang is. This was quite a while ago. Parking at the airport is fun, with people literally pushing cars out the way (no handbrake on) to fit more in, and to get out!
I actually managed to find some clothes that fit in Sweden - probably because I don't like T-shirts that are really short and because everyone over there is tall size 'S' stuff is longer than the same size seems to be over here!

Yay for tall people!

Apparently Vancouver is the place I should shop - at least according to my Aunt who lives over there.
I know some fashion brands don't get longer with sizes, a S,M and l are all the same length, just wider, seems bloody stupid to me.

I struggle with jeans for my wide quads and narrow waistline, well struggle is a strong word, there are one or two brands I can't buy. (Levi 501s make me sad)

My chimp arms are a major issue, I've got to get 2 inches added to each sleeve wheb I buy a suit and alway roll up sleeves on casual wear