Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

extremely stressing complications on the day in which i wanted to test my lifts at the gym.

i'd like to put my fist through a skull or two right now.

at least i'll be better rested for lifting tomorrow.
check for any remaining hair I missed the other day and use my Dead Sea salts in the shower. Makes the skin feel lovely and smooth. Anyway, the weather meant I ended up wearing jeans, rather than shorts, but I have some nice rope marks on my arms from earlier this afternoon
^if its any consolation i've had a cough for exactly 2 months now. felt more like a whooping cough in the week 3-8 but now just pops up very occasionally. i was convinced i was going to be hassling my GP about difficulty breathing, particularly after eating anything but seems to be on the mend, finally....touch wood, this is a wooden laptop right?
Her, and the problem I have with General Practioners is the 'General' part. If you google it a lot of doctors don't believe adults can get whooping cough so it is so very rarely ever diagnosed by GPs
You aren't going 'cos they might not agree with you? Sorry to lay off the sympathy, but if you go, you might not get the right treatment, if you don't go, you won't get any treatment.
Haru it's been on the news there is a rise in cases in infants, teenagers and adults. Doctors are now considering giving teenagers a booster as well as vulnerable adults like pregnant women.

Please go to the doctor.
It's almost gone. Though yes the first time I had this in Dec '08 and mentioned at times finding it sometimes difficult to breathe I very quickly got an Outpatient appt, shame they got my name wrong though (and why I voted against the NHS shared IT records project). They put a scope down through my nose and saw some reflux so I was on omoprozole for about 7-8 weeks. I had the same feeling from May 14th but had a limited supply left and annoying cough. Both are very nearly gone. That it takes upto 3 weeks to see my favoured GP or waiting on Thurs mornings from 8.30 to see anyone I tend not to go unless I really don't know what is wrong. I'm definately not pregnant