Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

My stupid back has gone out on me again. I was bending over the shredder last night, stood up and BAM, crippling pain. I'm doped up on co-codamol and can't put my shoes on without almost passing out from the pain.
The painkillers are making it bearable at the moment. I nearly threw up and passed out from the pain when I got up this morning, as everything had stiffened up really badly overnight.
Thanks Simon! I'm really fed up with my stupid back. I may go for a walk later to help keep things loose. I'm waiting on Rosi getting back to me for an appointment at the moment.
It's horrible, those little electric shocks that shoot up your lower back and stop you in your tracks, or even just trying to swing you legs into the car in the morning.

It took me over a year to be free of pain and occasionally I still feel it. I constantly side stretch now, just to help keep things loose.
In other news, when birds fly into your window (thankfully I wasn't sitting at my desk, as this window is just behind it, and yes, this just happened)
It's really frustrating because I've been doing everything I can to protect it, my rehab has been going well and BOOM, once lapse of concentration and I'm in screaming agony again. My back hurts, my glutes hurt, my hips hurts and I have twinges in my quad!

I struggled to brush my teeth this morning, putting shoes on is a nightmare and the cat can't understand why putting his dinner dish on the floor is such a complicated task!
Non-MA related they seem a little less than others, but I had to empty a vacuum cleaner bag on my wooden floor to find one of the keys to this laptop which came off earlier, luckily I found it but got a bit messy
Messy? PFFT! I've just stripped and sanded the banister on my stairs. It took me the best part of an hour to clean up the mess. And I still have some bits to finish. ... Fancy a trip to Scotland?
Thanks folks! The co-codamol is wonderful! It's so much better than paracetamol or ibuprofen for back pain! I can actually keep mobile with it.
People who use the phrase "knowledge is power" about a controversial subject, yet have no experience in said subject.
Stupid crappy modern technology that isn't built to last. The 'on' button on my TV has died. Apparently everyone should be using 'standby' and not be needing an 'on/off' switch, so the 'on/off' switch is badly made, even though, when I bought the TV, the fact that it had an 'on/off' switch and so was 'environmentally friendly' was a selling point! GRRRRRRR!!!!!

Apparently this fault is common with the model of TV I have! GRRRRR!!!!! I have emailed Toshiba and am currently waiting for a response...

It use to be that if you bought an expensive household item it would last for years, now, apparently, we are all supposed to upgrade everything every couple of years so they don't bother to make quality products any more!
I had a situation like this when I was growing up with a "pass down" tv (been 8 years now since I've had a TV). A pencil with an eraser jabbed into the hole and jiggled around for a good 30 seconds would usually get the TV to come on or off : P.
I've tried all sorts of jiggling around things, but the connection is just not holding. It comes on, but when the button comes out after a certain point it just goes off again. Apparently there's a little plastic tag in the back that breaks. If I get no joy from Toshiba, I may try the self-repair method (there are several descriptions online).
Have a look behind your TV.
There's probably a thing on the wall called a "ploog suckit" (I think that's what it's called).
It has a little flicky switch on it that serves as an on-off switch.
I plug my TV, blu-ray and DVD player in one extension cable and then switch it all off at the wall when I go to bed.