Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Although the workup of the video is what I imagine how you've been acting throughout the entire ordeal, :53 is what I see you doing as the solution

Armageddon - Funny Russian Astronaut - YouTube
LOL! If only it were that simple. We've been doing the stand-by thing for the last couple of days because once the electricity is shut off, the TV won't come on again. It's gone off a couple of times and by really slow releasing of the on button once pressed I've been able to get it to connect and stay on, but now not even that is working.

It's a good job I'm a hoarder and hadn't got round to taking the old set to the tip...
Yeah but if you'd gone the "ploog suckit" route right from the off your TV switch wouldn't be knackered from being switched on an off everyday.
It'd be pristine.
I don't even think my telly has an on-off switch. It's just got a touch sensitive stand-by doofer.
A physical switch indeed. Get in the 21st century grandma.
But if I turned everything off at the wall the Digibox wouldn't record all the obscure late night TV shows I like...

I bought the TV because it had an on/off switch, obviously it was stupid to expect it to actually work!

Besides which, I liked the 20th Century!
Blimey...put the digibox on a seperate socket.
Leave that switched on. It doesn't need the telly powered up.
Pug everything else into an extension.
Want me to come round and sort it all out?
That is far too sensible and any way I have to wait for the TV to be fixed before considering that now.

And, if they made things properly, like what they use to in the olden days, it wouldn't be a problem!
Well at least you can attempt a repair. I bought an LCD a few years back from Dell. Chuffed to bits I was with all it's amazing and seemingly endless connectivity options. It lasted two years and the power button's "control board" developed a fault Dell new about when they sold it to me.! ... I refuse to throw it out on principal.
the Police are hovering just above my roof, or at least it sounds like it. guys, I didn't do it, go away.....GRRRR
Can we instigate a national ban on the phrase "There's nothing for the kids to do!" when talking about crime and anti-social behaviour?
As if that somehow excuses it?
I heard it used on a radio programme about the development of "Grime" music.
ANYONE that say there's "nothing for the youth to do" is saying far more about the youth's in question, and their own imagination, than they are about some great social injustice that is depriving kids of all that's great in life.
It's especially annoying when used by anyone that lives in London.
London is one of the worlds great cities. If you can't find something to do in London then you might as well be dead quite frankly.
Get "up-town" (as I used to call it) and you've got many things within walking distance of each other. Parks, museum's, galleries, attractions etc. Many of them free to get into.
Anyone that lives within 3 miles of the Natural History museum, but has never been there, has no business saying there's nothing for them to do. Simple as that.
It's even more galling for a middle aged man like me that remembers Sunday afternoon's as a child where no shops were open and the only things on telly (which only had 3 channels!) were skiing and songs of praise.
Back when I was a kid, of various ages, I had to wait for the following things to be created...

Different sorts of music. I can remember dance music and rap/hip-hop being invented!
Portable music (let alone MP3 players that can hold 1000's of tunes...we had to carry tapes around!)
The whole of the internet. Let that sink in for a second.
Mobile phones.
About a millions TV channels. It used to be 3. And then..woah brace yourself...we got a 4th one!
Computer games. I can remember getting an Atari console where the best game I had was 2 triangles shooting pixels at each other.
Instant messaging. We used to have to phone each others houses or arrange to meet up at a later date.

So...just stop using that phrase. It excuses nothing and only shows up your lack of imagination or lack of interest in the world around you.
Just a phase most kids go through, it's not that there's nothing to do but everything that there is to do has adults involved so must be bad. People believing their adolescent moaning is what's bad, it's like some people were never kids
Only stupid ones. We need them to claim the dole otherwise what would we do with all our money?
You were lucky, we only had two yoghurt pots and a piece of string for a phone...

Is it just me or does it seem people were more punctual and reliable "back in the day" texts 2 minutes before the arranged meeting time saying. "late - 30 mins". No possibility to do that so people actually turned up on time.
What are you using and trying to do? Video editing is simple. ... Oh and stuff doesn't just work because you bullied nerds at school. It's revenge. Best served with an extra helping of frustration
Remember when you're filling in the form for the visitors list to add MAP. I hear it's life for dismembering iPods.
Was in a 6 man $2k sit n go poker table, top 3, second chip leader. Got dissconnected due to my internet! Contacted Pokerstars support, they were kind enough to refund me my buy in! Grr for missing out on 4-7k for finishing top 2, but meh got my buy in back. That's 25 mins I won't get back.
GRRRRR! Stupid car insurance! I renew my policy but I can't access the certificate till tomorrow. However, my stupid road tax is due NOW and I can't renew that until I get my insurance policy documents!