Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

sots presses are made of win, but are REALLY awkward. i can barbell sots press about 10kg less than my standing barbell press both from the front and from the side. doing it with KBs is probably more awkward unless you have a significant weight to anchor you down in the hole. maybe try it off a double KB squat? (with a heavy bell racked to help keep upright while trying to press a lighter one)
Grrrrr car deciding to take a fit that will probably screw up some long term plans I only just figured out last week

And GRRRRRRRRRRRRR my lack of fitness. Walked along to the local car dealership, about a mile away, and was knackered. It's not like I sit on my behind all day at work, I'm normaly dragging a pallet around. Must be the walking in daylight
Based on this thread I tried a KBell Sots press with my 16k one.
I concur...they are hard. Damn near fell over trying it on my left.
Apartment neighbors who think it is perfectly ok to not park within their parking space and encroach on yours.

There is plenty of room. We have big spaces. Stay out of my space that I paid for! Seriously, you can't park within two white lines? It is just rude!

I just wrote a very polite note. But took pictures in case they react badly and it goes to the manager....

New neighbors, I don't want drama. I just want my own space that I pay for.

GRRRRRRR! Very annoyed right now! Partly becasue this seems to be a fairly regular occurance over the years.
Had a cat crisis last night, poor little fella started peeing blood and we ended up at the out of hours vet at 11.30pm. He has a bladder infection, but more worryingly his kidney function is way out of whack. Vet's keeping him in and on fluids for a couple of days, but at 15 years old, the prognosis is not good. I'm hoping that the fluids will help, but I have a bad feeling that kitty may not be coming home.
Thanks! The bladder infection doesn't worry me too much. He's had one of those before and it cleared up nicely with antibiotics. The kidney thing is a worry, as it's a common cause of death in cats, and his brother was put down with kidney and liver failure a couple of years back.

Mind you, he's done quite well reaching 15, and had a good life.
Kitty update: Apparently he seems fine in himself, he's wandering round his cage, still on the IV. Vet was a little concerned that he isn't eating but I told her he doesn't eat when he's away from home! She said he seemed a little timid. LOL - he doesn't like strangers at all - he hides in a wardrobe when we have visitors! Poor kitty!
My big PC is on it's last, last, last, last legs. Don't think I can save it this time. So I'm stuck on my wee back up PC with it's silly Atom processor that tries to pretend it's a big boy with it's 4 cores. ... It's still only an Atom. Still so slow.

I need a new PC. More importantly I need a backup drive big enough to hold all of my old PC. 4TiB drive it will need to be.
^ similar problem... my laptop keeps overheating, and there's nothing i can do to stop it just switching off, no bios settings, i've cleaned out the fluff in the fan, anything where there is a lot of buffering, such as youtube, vimeo and if it's been on a while there is a chance it will just switch off. encoding video with handbrake is now pretty much impossible too
What sort of graphics chip do you have. Nvidia chips had a problem a few years ago with over heating and then eventually just dying.

And grr at my IBS giving me craps
its an Acer laptop with an Nvidia graphics. the single fan has a copper cooling track which goes first over the CPU then onto the GPU.

i went to the gym early as a friend was hassling me about coming around, since missed the last few days because i have a training schedule and dont like it messed about, unfortunately the gym was like a sauna. someone had the back door open, now if the air con wasn't working i can understand but open and working it would have just made things worse. anyhow, i think it contributed to my woeful lack of reps on bench press. still managed 20 pullups and lots of heavy rows, dips, DB bench felt surprisingly easy, even got in some landmines and ab wheel rollouts to obliterate my abs, but still peeved about the bench managed broccoli without getting bad wind today, cos boy did i have it bad earlier in the week, no surprise i train on my own some days