Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Just to add:

Grrr to trying to go out shopping in the town and EVERY TIME I try to get the shopping done without talking to anyone I bump into at least three people - who I normally am not fond of - who want to talk

Oh, and grrrrrr to random people you almost never see telling you how to raise your kids
People in the office who leave the washing up for the cleaners to do. How flipping hard is it to quickly run a plate under the tap, swipe it with a sponge and some soapy water and rinse it off? You don't even have to dry it, it will drip dry all by itself! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I very nearly cut part of my thumb off, lucky the nail is quite strong, blood gushing, hurts a lot, stopped it for now but wonder if it's going to bleed in my sleep. If the A&E wasn't several miles away I'd consider cycling over, might need stitches
Ordered some squat racks and a weights bench.
Racks arrived earlier this week but still no bench (although they were dispatched the same day apparently).
E-mailed the company three times now to see what's happening but no reply.
Then today I get a mail from them asking for positive feedback!
But if I have a problem with my order please don't leave a bad review....just mail the same address I've already mailed!
Now...what is the point of a review system where you aren't supposed to leave a bad review? If it's not an accurate barometer of people's experience with a company what's it for?
It's power-house fitness.
I got a reply to my third mail in about 10 minutes. Unlike the two I sent over the last few days.
No explanation, no reason for not sending the bench. Just appears they didn't send it out. Maybe it was too heavy for them to lift?
Just a curt "apologies we'll send one out today for Monday delivery".
Hmmm...not impressed.
Oh bloomin' 'eck, are you alright?! How did you manage that?

Lol, you can't do that - it leaves the draining board all streaky and spotty and dirty over time! Then you have to wipe down the draining board! Surely that's too much to ask from normal people?

My pet peeve is guys who come over to my house, have tea or coffee and then go to wash their own cups out. That's fine, but their "wash out" usually involves tipping the contents of the cup over the sink in such a way it looks like a low budget horror movie, then don't properly rinse out the cup - then leave it on the side WITHOUT turning it upside down to drain!

The only thing that gets me worse is the guys who go for a poop in the office toilet then don't flush properly *shudder*

Could be a couple of the grunts didn't read the order properly or just couldn't be bothered. That happens more than it should...

Please tell me you're going to leave bad feedback anyway?
Well that was a bit silly. Just think of all the mess you made. So long as it all works ok you'll probably be fine. ... Unless it falls off. That could be problematic.

Anyway I need new legs. Was cycling home from work on the pavement all the way because I just had no power in my legs at all. And any effort to speed up made them hurt.

A moped even overtook me!
I had a similar thing happen to me once when I'd over done it with cycling to work, lifting, doing conditioning and MAs and I was overtaken by a jogger on the way home - it was very embarrasing!
It felt like I was going backwards, I can tell you that!

There may be a number of reasons for feeling crappy cycling. You may have a low level infection you're fighting off, you may need to alter your diet or sleep plan, may be you need a bit of time off cycling or you need to train over longer distances and mix it up with some more intense interval work. It just depends on what the issue is.
People who destitute and homeless, I.E. for whatever reason not able to take care of themselves. YET, they take on a dog for a pet.

If you can't take care of your own basic necessities, you are NOT in a position to take responsibility for the well being of another living creature.

I have a place to live, a good job, food. etc. but I STILL don't have a cat. Why? I don't have enough savings if I had a pet and s/he got sick to cover extensive vet bills.
Maybe if the animal was so domesticated it couldn't fend for itself like a "toy" dog or something. Animals are quite capable of fending for themselves and can survive pretty easy. Unless you're talking about purchasing an animal or rescuing them from a shelter.

I doubt homeless people purchase or go to a shelter for their animal companion though. I'm willing to bet it's more of a "I fed a dog, he stayed with me" type circumstance more than anything.
I was speaking with a woman from India last week, she ran a dog rescue program for her city, her 'pack' was about 30 street dogs, each night she would go out to feed them and tend to them. She told me of 2 different homeless people, one who had a job somehow, as a cleaner earning about $40 a month, not enough to live on, who had 4 dogs that she had nursed since they were puppies, every day for 4 years (to date) she had made sure they got their meals, even when she does not.

The other guy who slept on the steps of the local temple would have a friend who was a rat, and he would share all his meals with his little friend.

Some people think differently about money, and compassion. I'm more in the first camp, but glad to have my eyes opened by awesome people.
If someone is begging for food for themselves, how are they going to reliably and consistently feed their pet?

They stay with them because they are leashed. Often improperly. rope, not a proper collar etc.

Not always, but a lot of the time the dogs I have seen do not seem well cared for. I work in a Library, so I see a lot of homeless people. We are the place they can hang out without being kicked out of. A lot of the time (not always) I have seen health issues. Too skinny, too dirty, scratching like they don't have flea care, one had big sores on it. That dog was left outside and they left before I could call animal control or I would have. Another puppy owned by a homeless person, who was also a drug addict got brutally kicked by his owner. (A patron saw it. I can't remember exactly, but I think she called the authorities. Again, they had left already.)

Please, no one think I am ranting against homeless people. Just the ones that take on the responsibility of a pet without the capability to properly do so. I feel better for getting that out of my system.
I think a lot of those things can be said for people who are capable of taking care of themselves and an animal with the basic necessities as well. I don't think being homeless is a particularly strong indicator of poor treatment or ability to take care of an animal in most situations.

I find the leash thing to be a bit strange. I haven't seen any homeless people who had an animal companion that was leashed. The animal just seemed to be sticking with them. All in all I agree with your assessment of the poor treatment of those animals, but I think there's a little more there to consider than just the homeless aspect.