Things that make you go :-)) take two!

:)) I got some meaningful sleep last night. The first time in about a week.

Had a cold last week - result, not much sleep - coughing, sneezing & being bunged up. Then walloped my collarbone/ac joint/sc joint/ribs etc and couldn't sleep because of that.

Last night - probably through exhaustion, I slept from 11pm until 5am, then from 5.30 until 7.30.

I. Feel. Brilliant!
Thanks to my absolutely fantabulistic hubby and children who drove all the way to Stansed to bring me my passport; and thanks to the wonders of international air traffic; and thanks to the corporate credit card: I am in Germany! AND I got one of the last 3 rooms in a lovely hotel! And I've got a car reserved for tomorrow.

I will make my meeting.
Lily? Where? I haven't seen her round these parts in ages!! I thought it was just a time zone effect, tbh...
I believe that's quite common now.

I think the correct response is to turn round the family photo on the interviewers desk and say "I've had that, and that......etc

........only joking"
Aww, someone did that for me at a gig recently. Gave me a spare ticket and didn't want any money at all. I didn't even know her.