Things that make you go :-)) take two!

Don't worry petal, Frodo knows she will win in the end and is nothing if not patient - well that last bit is a lie, just so you know, I can be incredibly impatient and have medals for grudge holding!

Shudders - I do live my whole life in the Ninjutsu forum!

It's a wonderful place, full of pretty flowers, puppies and kittens, oh and the sky is lovely sparkly purple colour...

At least it is like that when I take those nice pills the Doctor gave me...
well if it means you and frodo get together thats just a sacrifice I'm gonna have to make, isnt it.

and if i can have aikiwolfie.
I know, I know! Always the bridesmaid. Only so much of me to go round though (Speak to Frodo, I'm in)
I might try bass in a few months if I get the money. For now though I'm happy annoying the neighbours with distortion
short, but fairly productive band practice a little while ago. just as well, as we've a gig in 10 days!
Out of random curiosity and to help me help others at work (a lot of the former, very little of the latter) I decided to try the level 3 maths diagnostic (I work in a Learn Direct centre getting people to level 2 in literacy and numeracy and the diagnostic tells us how good people are). I got 82%, meaning I'm roughly at AS level when I only got my level 2 before Christmas

Translation: I might actually be good at maths!
I just filmed myself singing an extremely childish version of Wrong So Wrong by Eleanor McEvoy. No disrespect to her, she makes beautiful music, but I couldn't resist...