Things that make you go :-)) take two!

Just seen a really obese woman in the carpark squeezing between her car and the next and attempting to get into her car with the door open a mere fraction of an inch.

Horrible? Nasty? Childish of me? Yup, all of the above and very, very funny.
Last night, as I crossed the road to drop a couple of DVD's back at the shop, I timed a fart to make sure it was dropped right in the path of a man walking down the pavement.
I even held it in a for a couple of seconds just to make sure it was in the right place.
I doubt he smelled amything but damn it made me grin for a few minutes.
I used to work with a guy that used to save them up for lifts. You're both gross's not something I make a habit of.
I had a fart. He was there.
It made me grin because it was so damn childish.
I've done the 'save a fart for someone' thing. I was looking for a parking space at the supermarket and somene nicked the one that I was waiting for as the car leaving reversed out and blocked my path, so someone else came barrelling in, which annoyed me.

As I parked elsewhere, I noticed that, if I rushed, I could walk in front of the person who nicked 'my' parking spot. So, as I walked in front of them, I floated a delicate air biscuit. It cheered my shopping trip up no end!
Spent me some of my wages on a new computer power supply and graphics card. Knowing ebuyer, they'll be here Friday
Watching Postman Pat with my daughter.
The story was about Pat, Ted and the Vicar getting stuck on a boat with no engine and drifting down the river.
Oh noes!
After opening a can of pineapple chunks and commenting on how dangerous the sharp edges can be, they ended up comparing scars in a recreation of the scene from Jaws where Quint and Hooper compare their scars. The lead up to the wicked Indianapolis story from Quint (I love Jaws).
Absolute genius that means nothing to the kids watching and was almost certainly put in just to satisfy the animators.
Got word today that all the referencing for my new place has been completed. So now it's just time to depart with a large amount of cash and sign my life away for a year and I've got a new house to move in to! Woop!
Birthday means supply of Bushmills has been replenished!

And some miniature bottles of Glenfidich have arrived from work for sampling. Plenty of liquid pain relief ready for after training tonight