This 2012 thing...


New member
Feb 17, 2008
No not the Mayan one. I suddenly remembered hwaring something about a pole shift occuring in 2012 so I looked it up. After flicking through forums with posts that made me need to change my underwear I went to wiki instead. Fromt he tiny bit of sciencey waffle I understood I gathered a pole shift is possible in 2012-13 but that it is very unlikely to be some global apocalypse. It did say though that the shift could screw with satellites and mobile communication which was cool until I remembered these things are meant to last for thousands of years. If this shift happens then does it mean spending a considerable time without the internet?

Yeha its a 2012 thread and I do feel I'm asking something monumentally stupid but its in my head so I might as well ask
Well, looking at the geological evidence then yes we're overdue for a shift in the earth's magnetic field. Given how long they've taken in the past the impact on any electronics isn't really going to bother us. It doesn't flick around at random - much more of a slow, lazy drift. A solar flare's more likely to fry the satellites than a shift in field.
So a shift is neither going to kill me or ruin my access to gentlemen's special interest literature? Good times.
Hold on, I saw horizon the other week and they were saying that the shift in the pole might cause a weakening in the earth's magnetic field while it was going on. Would this irradiate us?
I keep telling you all


This has been a public service announcement by Dr. Lecter, who is an a slightly unusual mooded today....well by his standards anyway
For you brits what I'd be more worried about is the decline in the flow of the gulf stream. In about the last 20 years NOAA, our main ocean research group, tells us the velocity of the gulf stream has slowed dramatically.

Basically what this means is that all that nice warm water from the caribbean is going to go nowhere near great britain, meaning you can kiss off your nice summers and fairly mild winters.
Hahahahahaha, there have never been "mild winters" in Edinburgh.

When Z - Day comes, Geeks shall inherit the Earth.
Tell me about it - we'll end up with winters like Nova Scotia if that happens, and our infrastructure is not remotely capable of handling that!
Yes, but I for one hope we all die. We are talking about a people who, at various points throughout history, have stolen most of the earth's landmass and brought nothing but plague, misery and war wherever we go. We are an infection that must be cauterized.
Right, well you can go on and hope we all die, but I'm subscribing to the adapt and survive theory, like a true virus.
pole reversal too, wtf. I might wake up later and find antarctica right next door. o_O
Pffft! And you wanted to fight polar bears. Move north in a few years. You might get your chance. I on the other hand will walk to work in the snow. As I have done for the past 6 years now. ... That's not whole years. Just walking in the snow in the snowy bits. The rest of the time walking is boring and takes place on auto pilot.

If the poles did suddenly shift in some dramatic fashion it would be a problem for all sorts of reasons. But the world would recover and it won't end. Most migratory species will get a bit lost. And yes there could be some issues with technology. MAPpers might actually need to talk to each other in person!
Fighting Polar bears in the frozen wastes of the Northwest Territories is one thing, but for some strange reason, the idea of doing it in Birkenhead town centre is less attractive!
I was thinking more John O'Groats via Barrhead. You have to pick me up so I can come and watch the spectacle. But anyway! That's off topic
You're on for that match!

And to get it back on topic...

Oh God, Oh God, we're all going to die...