This is really bothering me? What does it mean?


New member
Sep 22, 2008
(I've already asked this no one really answered)
I have had this dream twice within three nights but the ending switches.
At first I am two years old and I see the woman who's my mom in the dream and she's trying to teach me how to say mom, but i couldn't speak at all.
Then it switches to my 8th birthday and I asked her if I could open presents so she hands me this gift. And it's the necklace the my birth mom gave me when i was a baby before she gave me up. When I look up I'm at a funeral and I walk up to the casket and it's me when i was a baby. I look around and see the woman who's my mom in the dream sitting up front with tears in her eyes. I kneel down infront of her and I'm shouting. "Mom, I'm not dead!, I'm right here!" she couldn't hear me or see me though.
The other night it was all the same except the end. I'm at the birthday party when i opened the necklace and i went to hug her and she whispered 'find me.' and she disappeared. and i was crying repeatingly saying "don't leave me"
What does this mean? most dreams don't bother me but this one has been.
It means you should grab a hammer a bash your head in with it. Seriously, dreams mean nothing; stop worrying about it and get on with your life.
sounds like to me your inner conscious missing your birth mother and wanting the love and wanting to find her to get that bond to sum it all up but I could be wrong but that's what I'm getting from your dream alot of times dreams are expressing what you're feeling down deep inside n since she is your bith mother you have a connection maybe she wants to meet you and such and you're picking that up through your dreams..but again this is just what I'm picking up on n thinking..I hope you get everything figured out good luck