This is VERY LONG. It is not a question but if you would like to read it then have


New member
Sep 4, 2008
fun!? Okay, so I have had some strange dreams lately and if you want to read and comment on my craziness then help yourself!

My friends and I are walking in a carnival. The whole school came and all we did was walk and walk for miles around the tents set up all over the park. We went into a building and walked up and down the stairs 20 times. As we were walking back down once again my knees gave out and I collapsed down the stairs. When I reached the bottom my friends started to scream and they ran away. When I looked down I realized why they had done that, my body was literally falling apart. My hands were the first to go and then my arm from the elbow. Then my feet fell off and my legs were shredded to pieces. there was a lot of blood but the parts where my limbs separated were relatively clean-cut. A second later all of the pieces that fell off of me started to knit back together with a thread that looked like barbed wire. There was nothing doing the stitching but all of my body parts came back together. You could see all of the stitches but I though it looked kind of cool. I walked back up the stairs and my family met me and they stared at all of the stitches I had all over my body...

I am in a small room with a closet to the right and a cow to my left. I look to the cow and see it is standing on a pile of straw a foot off the ground. I go to the closet and find an empty bucket by the door. The door opens an inside there are around ten small kittens on the floor. I slowly look up and see that there are shelves lined up on the wall kind of like a bookcase. On all of the shelves there are hundreds of baby kittens in many different stages of growing up in separate small test tubes. I am seemingly in a daze as I slowly turn back to look at the cow and I just know that the cow had been giving birth to all of these kittens...

In this dream I have a shoe-sized box and in that box there is one baby bearded dragon(the lizard) and three small leopard geckos. All through the dream I am running away from hundreds of people trying to slaughter everyone in town. I travel from house to house trying to escape, but I end up back at my own house. By then through means that I don't remember I have acquired three kittens as well. They all live in the one box that I still have. They listen to everything I say and I love them all. I am sitting in my room when suddenly I see a bug. I walk up to it, but before I get close my door slams open and my oldest brother tells me not to touch any bugs because they are injected with diseases by the group of enemies. Then one of my dogs jumps into the room as a bunch of big bugs swarm out of my closet. She looks at the bugs and growls, then she sees my kittens and lizards and she turns to attack them. I yell for her to stop several times but when she looks ready to attack she turns and winks at me as she sprays a bunch of water out of her mouth like a fire hose at all of the bugs to get them out of my room...

Two of my brothers and I are riding in a car when we are suddenly flipped out of the windshield (apparently we were not wearing seatbelts) and onto the tar ground. We all take the impact on our knees and we all stand up. I look to my first brother then my second and they both only have minor scratches on their knees. For no reason that I can understand I want my knees to look worse. I look down and my knees look the same, if not in better condition, then theirs. My brothers gasp and I find myself looking down to my feet. On my left ankle there is a huge gash pouring blood onto the road. I faint and the next thing I know I am in my house. I feel the stiches on my ankle. My little brother runs up the stairs into the bathroom. My older brother comes out of that same bathroom one second later and comes slowly down the stairs. He then stands directly in front of me and says quietly,"I don't want to act like something is wrong." Then he spreads his hands about two feet and continues solemnly,"But things are about thisterrible," How he says this and what he said made me confused because after he walked away I did not know if I should laugh or cry...
