Those Wacky Japanese at it again.


New member
Mar 1, 2008

What can I say? they just have a far better use of technology.
And perhaps no liability laws in place.

You'll note the famous Japanese toughguy actor at the end... dressed up as a sailor suited school girl.
[K][D];907184']LOL!!! as the previous guy said...that cannot be legal...unless of course thats all staged....
The Japanese are certainly world leaders in televised practical jokes.

Was that Beat Takeshi in the sailor suit?
Yeah it was... it's not that suprising haven't you folks seen Takeshi's castle? Hardly the hardman of Japan in that!
Yeah it's always on Challenge TV lol. The insurance premiums for that show must be ridiculous! The game "skipping stones" was the worst, even if the rocks were polystyrene (I hope), you'd get people sprinting full pelt and smacking face first into one, and then surface out of the water with a massive grin on their face and laughing their head off. I mean, for goodness sake, how?!?! Maybe the Japanese have genetically developed a higher pain threshold or something, that's the only solution I can think of.

EDIT: For those who have no idea what I'm talking about:
well, you know what they say about aging - sense of humor is the first thing to go

i love takeshi's castle. they show it on spike sometimes, great stuff. i really love the commentary
Another clip which just had me in fits

I know I probably shouldn't laugh, that actually looks quite painful, but what the hey!

Also, what's with the dubbing/commentary, we don't get that in the UK?
I suppose that I have lost my sense of it being funny to catch someone with their pants down. In that regard (but not many others) I am happy to have grown up.
tiger - have fun being really serious and keeping a straight face all the time, i'll probably end up joining you in a couple decades

i don't know whether the commentary is just made up in the english version or if that's how it actually is in japanese, but either way it's a big part of what makes the show awesome in my opinion. not worth watching without it.