Those who strongly disagree with homosexuality, what do you propose about


New member
Jul 9, 2010
homosexuals and lesbians? I'm talkin about if you feel it is unnatural, what's your logic, what should be ''done'' about them in your opinion? This is where real talk comes in...
'' Find out why people become homosexuals are deal with it. ''

can you repeat this, I don't understand..? '' are deal with it '' what does that mean?
sorry Accomplice, I get you, didn;t wait long enough.
The Accomplice- there have been scientists who have said it is due to genetic factors, there is your answer!
And environmental, I believe both.
I don't particularly care either way. They can do whatever they want with themselves, I just rather it be away from and irrelevant to my daily life in all ways possible.

Edit: The prostate was never meant specifically to be pleasured (yuck) holds fluids which allow sperm to swim to the egg.
Homosexuals do not reproduce therefore their genes are filtered out of the gene pool. There's nothing wrong with them as a person it's just their genes.
As a Father, I would feel I had failed, I would be so ashamed of the tarnish on my family name if my son or daughter did that. I would disown them if they disrespected the family like that.
Find out why people become homosexuals and deal with it.

Real talk.


EDIT: What I mean is that once we find out what causes people to be gay, we can prevent homosexual behavior in future generations.
I wouldn't say I strongly disagree with it... Just the way I was raised, I think its wrong, my belief. I don't hate them or dislike them or anything. What should be "done" ??? Nothing, there lifestyle not mine...
I don't understand when someone says its unnatural. Sure you can't procreate that way, but the prostate was made to be pleasured and anything can penetrate a vagina..
The ones who disagree with something like that are just intolerant bast@rds. They should not care about other people's orientation because it has nothing to do with them. Gay marriage doesn't affect anyone but those who are gettin married.